What color is PMS 287?

What color is PMS 287?

The hexadecimal color code #003896 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #003896 is comprised of 0% red, 21.96% green and 58.82% blue. In the HSL color space #003896 has a hue of 218° (degrees), 100% saturation and 29% lightness.

What color is Pantone 294?

blue color
The Dodgers official blue color is listed as Pantone 294.

Where are Pantone books made?

You’re probably most familiar with Pantone’s iconic color swatches. They’re made here, at the Pantone Color Factory in Carlstadt, New Jersey.

Are TPX and TPG the same?

Pantone TPG is the suffix for Textile Paper Green. The TPG formulation will replace the PANTONE FASHION HOME + INTERIORS TPX (Textile Paper Extended Range) formulation, which was redesigned to match rising global standards for sustainable manufacturing processes.

What PMS color is royal blue?

Royal Blue (Pantone) Color Codes

Hex Code #3D428B
Inverse Color #C2BD74 [Misty Moss]
Pantone® 19-3955 TCX
Closest RAL 5000 [Violet blue]
Complementary Color #8B863D [Old Moss Green]

What is the Pantone color scale?

The Pantone color numbers consist of a three- or four-digit number followed by the letter C, U or M, which stands for “coated,” “uncoated” and “matte,” respectively. The color palette in the PMS consists of about 1,114 colors.

What is a Pantone number?

The customer service number of Pantone is 8667268663

What is Pantone C?

Pantone colors often contain a color number or name followed by a “C” or “U”. The “C” or “U” at the end of Pantone color numbers indicate whether a coated or uncoated paper stock is used for the printing process. While the C and U versions contain the same number, they should be treated as different colors as they often look very different.

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