Is PLOS a predatory journal?

Is PLOS a predatory journal?

In some Chinese tertiary teaching hospitals, PLOS ONE is considered as a predatory journal.

Is PLOS ONE a prestigious journal?

PLOS ONE is indexed by Google, Web of Science, PubMed, etc.; hence, it is considered a good journal. Your paper will show up in literature searches on specific topics. Thus, publishing in PLOS ONE, or any indexed journal, will attract as many citations as a paper published elsewhere but only if your article is useful.

Is PLoS Medicine reputable?

PLOS Med. OCLC no. PLOS Medicine (formerly styled PLoS Medicine) is a peer-reviewed weekly medical journal covering the full spectrum of the medical sciences.

Is PLOS Biology A good journal?

The support of researchers who are leaders in their fields is likely to grow, making PLoS Biology a prestigious publication forum. But PLoS Biology is more than a vehicle for the publication of groundbreaking primary research articles. It is a full-service journal that will appeal to a wide spectrum of readers.

Is it good to publish in PLoS ONE?

In PLOS ONE, however, significance is not assessed. As long as the work achieves technical, scientific and ethical rigor, it will be published. This means that PLOS ONE could be a good choice for researchers who find their study has negative results, or that their hypothesis is wrong.

Do I have to pay to publish in PLoS ONE?

Publication or page charges $0 There is a publication charge of US$1350 for accepted articles. Also, complete or partial fee waivers can be obtained for authors who do not have funds to cover the fees.

Is 1.6 impact factor good?

One might say – just look at the numbers and highest wins. But the impact factor goes beyond that, and numbers aren’t absolute. In most fields, the impact factor of 10 or greater is considered an excellent score while 3 is flagged as good and the average score is less than 1. This is a rule of thumb.

Is it good to publish in PLOS ONE?

Is Plos One an online journal?

Being an online-only publication allows PLOS One to publish more papers than a print journal. In an effort to facilitate publication of research on topics outside, or between, traditional science categories, it does not restrict itself to a specific scientific area.

What is PLOS Medicine impact factor?

PLOS Medicine/Impact Factor

How many academic editors and reviewers are there in PLOS?

Globally, more than 6,500 Academic Editors and 90,000 reviewers, together with authors and readers in over 200 countries, enable PLOS to expose, discuss and elevate the best ideas in science. PLOS strives to recruit talented professionals from many backgrounds and disciplines who share a passion for the mission to transform research communication.

Is the Journal of sexually transmitted diseases a peer reviewed journal?

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD) is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes the submission of papers on clinical, laboratory, immunological, epidemiological, behavioral, public health, and historical topics pertaining to Sexually Transmitted Diseases and related fields. The Journal publishes: Original Articles

Where do I Send my submissions for STD’s?

GENERAL INFORMATION All submissions to STD must be made electronically via Editorial Manager, our online submission and peer review system at the following URL: (E-mailed submissions will not be accepted.) Please click the Register button from the menu above and enter the requested information.

How many authors can be listed in a STD paper?

STD has a strict 15 author limit. A study group, surveillance team, working group, consortium, or the like (e.g., the Active Bacterial Core Surveillance Team) may be listed as a coauthor in the byline if its contributing members satisfy the requirements for authorship and accountability.

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