Is io a top-level domain?

Is io a top-level domain?

The Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) . io is nominally assigned to the British Indian Ocean Territory. io as a generic top-level domain (gTLD) because “users and webmasters frequently see [the domain] more generic than country-targeted.”

What country code is io?

British Indian Ocean Territory/Dialing codes

What does .io mean at the end of a Web address?

British Indian Ocean Territory
. io is the ccTLD for the British Indian Ocean Territory, but recent years have seen it become synonymous with technology, gaming and start-up firms. The main reason for this is that in computer science “IO” is commonly used as an abbreviation for Input/Output.

Are io domains good?

io domain can be a good alternative to .com. Despite the fact that the .com domain is considered traditional, the . io domain can provide several benefits for your company: io domain is a great choice for tech startups, as in most cases it is related to the tech world due to the association with input/output.

Why .io is so expensive?

Often the higher demand is given as the reason for these prices, but there are reasons that suggest that the fees charged by the “Internet Computer Bureau” are the main driver of the cost. First, because the “Internet Computer Bureau” not only holds the right to sell the dot io TLD.

What io domain means?

io” web-address extension, widely used by technology startups owing to its “input/output” connotations. The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) actually stands for “Indian Ocean,” and it specifically refers to the British Indian Ocean Territory, or BIOT. That’s the Chagos Archipelago.

How do I make a .io site?

Where can you buy a . io domain name?

  1. – . io domain name price: $32.88 per year. Renews at $34.88 per year.
  2. – .io domain name price: $49.99 per year. ( Use coupon code “sitehub” to get 25% off your .io domain name )
  3. – . io domain name price: $49.99 per year.

What does .io mean gaming?

“. io is the ccTLD for British Indian Ocean territory and also stands for input/output. This domain has gained popularity among startups and online entertainment in the form of IO games.”

Why do tech companies use IO?

The main reason for this — in computer science, “IO” is commonly used as an abbreviation for Input/Output. Choosing a . IO domain helps instantly signify to anyone seeing your URL that you’re in tech. It’s a great branding play that costs very little but packs a big punch.

How much does .IO domain cost?


Type Price Learn more
Yearly registration $60 USD Buy a domain
Fee to restore an expired or deleted domain $60 USD Restore a domain

Why do tech companies use io?

When did the top level domain Io start?

The top-level domain io has existed since 1997. The first subdomain was registered in 1998, when Levi Strauss & Co. registered the domain

How is domain used in Computer Science?

The .io domain has considerable usage unrelated to the British Indian Ocean Territory. In computer science, “IO” or “I/O” is commonly used as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes the .io domain desirable for services that want to be associated with technology. .io domains are often used for open source projects, application programming

How much does it cost to register domain?

.io domains may be registered for a minimum of one year, and a maximum of 5 years. Domain names in .io are priced higher than those in other TLDs. Registering an available .io-domain currently (at 29 September 2019) costs US$90 per annum.

Who is the owner of domain?

The Internet Computer Bureau (ICB) administers .io domains. This domain name registry is a British company, and operates for this purpose under the name NIC.IO. The company also holds the rights to sell the .sh and .ac domains, the top-level domains for the Island of Saint Helena and Ascension, respectively.

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