How do I choose a groin guard?

How do I choose a groin guard?

The best groin guard for Muay Thai should be able to encompass the “complete package” in its entirety i.e. no slippage, while not overly bulky to hinder movement. The guard should fit firmly such that it doesn’t shift about during movement but should also be comfortable.

Should I wear a cup in BJJ?

Yes, while the occasional stray knee or elbow can come into contact with a man’s bits a pieces during jiu jitsu training, but it’s really relatively rare. The discomfort of a wearing a cup during jiu jitsu training far outweighs any protective benefits. Wearing a cup during jiu jitsu competitions is illegal.

Do you need a groin protector?

Groin protector is one of the important protective equipment for a boxing professional during training or sparring activities. In other words, groin protector is the equipment worn for the protection of the groin region during any combat or fighting sports.

What is the use of groin protector?

Designed to protect the pelvic area especially the crotch, the groin guard, also known as the abdo guard is a must have in your list of gym training equipment. It ensures ultimate safety in martial arts sparring and allows fighters to train with full confidence without holding back.

What is a MMA groin guard?

Groin Cups are designed to specifically protect the groin area. If you plan on competing in Muay Thai, Kickboxing or MMA matches you will be required to wear them. They should also be worn in hard sparring in training but they are optional.

Should I wear a cup for kickboxing?

As such, you’ll be required to wear groin cups in Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and MMA matches. They are optional but recommended for hard sparring matches too. For boxing, you wear no foul protectors instead.

Do UFC wear cups?

Cups are a part of the necessary UFC uniform that a fighter must wear before entering the octagon. Being required to wear a cup may feel awkward for some fighters, but UFC officials anticipate groin strikes as a possibility during any match have recently tightened their rules to protect the fighters.

Which is the best groin guard for MMA?

Our winner on the list and in our opinion, the best MMA groin guard, is the Diamond MMA cup with compression shorts. We’ve even got a dedicated Diamond MMA cup review if you want to check that out.

Do you need a jockstrap for a groin guard?

Also, some groin protectors have a one-size fits all cup that allows you to adjust the straps for the ideal fit. These cups do not come with a jockstrap and are designed to be worn over your underwear. Protection is the main and actually the only purpose of the groin guard.

Do you need a groin protector for Muay Thai?

You need to know that boxing no foul protectors are a lot different because it is specially designed for a full padded abdominal belt. Muay Thai groin guards or jockstrap are similar to MMA, Taekwondo, or Kickboxing groin protectors. It should be small, functional, and perfectly placed.

What’s the best size for a groin protector?

No matter if you are buying a gi or a groin protector, size is key. The cup size you choose will depend on your waist size. Every brand will have sizing directions that will help you determine what size of shorts you should choose. Choosing a good size is important because you don’t want a cup to move around when you train.

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