How long are you off work after having tonsils removed?

How long are you off work after having tonsils removed?

You may be able to go back to work or your usual routine in 1 to 2 weeks. There will be a white coating in your throat where the tonsils were. The coating is like a scab. It usually starts to come off in 5 to 10 days.

What can I eat 10 days after tonsillectomy?

Stick to soft, easy-to-swallow foods, such as applesauce, custard, yogurt, creamy breakfast cereals (oatmeal, Malt-o-Meal), pudding, soup, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, refried beans, and pureed fruits. Most people stick to a soft diet for a day or two after surgery. After that, you can try introducing other foods.

What day is worse after tonsillectomy?

Almost everyone experiences pain after a tonsillectomy. It is most common in the throat and ears, but it can also affect the neck, head, or jaw. Post-operative pain may get worse around day 3 or 4, but it should then start to improve.

Can I drink alcohol 10 days after a tonsillectomy?

An adult must stay with you after surgery and overnight if you have had a general anesthetic. Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours following surgery as its effects will add to those of the anesthetic.

How much weight do you lose after tonsillectomy?

Setting: Adult tonsillectomy is performed for a variety of indications. Anecdotally, patients report a 10- to 15-pound weight loss in the postoperative period; however, no supporting research has been documented. The pediatric population has a well-documented weight gain postoperatively.

How long does it take adults to recover from a tonsillectomy?

A tonsillectomy may also be necessary to treat breathing and other problems related to enlarged tonsils and to treat rare diseases of the tonsils. Recovery time for a tonsillectomy is usually at least 10 days to two weeks.

When can you eat popcorn after tonsillectomy?

Dehydration can occur easily, so fluid intake is very important during the recovery. Please review this information and ask your caregiver to do so as well. It is important to stay in town during the recovery period after surgery (about two weeks) so that you can be treated for emergencies if they occur.

Why are tonsillectomies worse for adults?

Another reason adults have a tougher time is that the older you are, the harder it is for a surgeon to get your tonsils out, he said. Every time you have a sore throat some scar tissue builds up on the tonsils, and the more sore throats you have had, the more scar tissue will get in the way during the surgery.

Is a tonsillectomy considered a major operation?

A tonsillectomy is a common but major surgery with serious risks and potential complications. You may have less invasive treatment options.

When to return to work after tonsillectomy surgery?

Self care: Rest and limit your activity for 7 to 10 days after surgery. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for you to recover completely. Stay away from people who have colds, sore throats, or the flu. You may get sick more easily after surgery. Ask your primary healthcare provider when you can drive again, or return to work.

How to take care of your throat after tonsillectomy?

Avoid milk and dairy foods if you have problems with thick mucus in your throat. This can cause you to cough, which could hurt your surgery areas. Self care: Use a cool humidifier in your home to help moisten the air and soothe your throat. Rest and limit your activity for 7 to 10 days after surgery.

When to take your child back to school after tonsillectomy?

The third day may be the worst. Your child should rest at home for the first two days. Strenuous activity, rigorous play or contact sports should be avoided for two weeks. If the patient attends school, he/she can return to school seven days after surgery, but should not participate in gym class or recess for two weeks.

When do you start bleeding after tonsillectomy surgery?

Usually it happens 4 to 8 days after surgery, but it can occur any time up until about 3 weeks after your surgery. If you have bleeding: Small amount of bleeding: Drink ice water and sit down and rest.

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