What type of solution was this Elodea cell placed into?

What type of solution was this Elodea cell placed into?

The Elodea cells have been placed in a 10% NaCl solution. The contents of the cells have been reduced to the spherical structures shown. Animal cells placed in a hypertonic solution will undergo crenation, a condition where the cell shrivels up as it loses water.

What do you think will happen if you put the Elodea cell in each solution?

Answers to questions When the Elodea was placed in the salt solution, the vacuoles disappeared and the protoplasm came away from the cell wall making the organelles appear to be clumped in the middle of the cell. Therefore, if it were placed in a hypertonic solution it would lose water and shrivel.

Do you think the Elodea cell in the hypotonic solution will look different from the Elodea cell in the hypertonic solution What do you predict they will look like?

What was the appearance of the Elodea cells in hypertonic solution? The cell membrane shriveled and pulled away from the cell wall. What was the appearance of the Elodea cells in hypotonic solution? The cell membrane was pressed against the cell wall, and the cell was almost bursting.

What happened for Elodea cells in salty solution?

When the salt solution is added, the salt ions outside the cell membrane cause the water molecules to leave the cell through the cell membrane causing it to shrink into a blob in the centre of the cell wall. The movement of water molecules is called osmosis.

How do the Elodea cells in a hypertonic environment differ from the Elodea cells in a hypotonic environment?

Placing Elodea cells into 100% water, which is more hypotonic than freshwater, also causes water movement into of the cells resulting in the swelling of the cells. Thus, a hypertonic solution has less water than the cell and water moves (diffuses) out of the cell by osmosis.

Was the solution in the Elodea cells hypotonic hypertonic or isotonic to the 15% NaCl?

c. distilled water? On the Elodea cells the 10% NaCl solution causes the cell membrane to shrink but the cell wall of plants prevents the entire cell from shrinking. No change, because the solution was isotonic.

What happens when Elodea is placed in 10 NaCl?

On the Elodea cells the 10% NaCl solution causes the cell membrane to shrink but the cell wall of plants prevents the entire cell from shrinking. Because of this the cell appears to have the chloroplasts clustered in the center.

Why are Elodea cells not isotonic distilled?

The chloroplasts are spread throughout the cell both before the salt solution, and after the distilled water is put onto the slide. Distilled water represents a hypotonic solution, yet the cells do not burst because of the cell wall.

What is the major difference between red blood cells and Elodea cells?

A major difference between red blood cells and Elodea cells, is that Elodea cells have a cell wall, which protects them from bursting. When testing tonicity in Elodea cells, once Elodea cells were placed in distilled water, what did you observe?

What happened to the Elodea plant cells when placed in a hypotonic solution?

Thus, a hypotonic solution has more water than the cell and water has a tendency to move (diffuse) into the cell. Placing Elodea cells into 100% water, which is more hypotonic than freshwater, also causes water movement into of the cells resulting in the swelling of the cells.

When the Elodea cells were placed in 10% NaCl solution describe any visible change you observed that took place in the cells?

What happens to the Elodea cells in a 20% sucrose solution?

This is because water will be drawn out of the vacuole through osmosis, the protoplast will shrink, and the plasma membrane will actually pull away from the cell wall (plasmolysis), resulting in a loss of turgor pressure. The following image shows an Elodea leaf that was placed in a 20% sucrose (sugar) solution.

What Kingdom of life is an Elodea cell?

Paramecia and other single celled organisms belong to the kingdom of life called Protista. Some common protist are ameba, euglena, and flagellates. The Elodea plant and the individual paramecium cell are both organisms because they can live on their own. The individual Elodea cell, although it shows signs of life, is not an organism.

How do you know if an Elodea cell is still alive?

Message: Fleshy leaves with a nice green color would be one indication that Elodea was alive. If Elodea was brown or dried out, it would probably be dead. You could also see if bubbles of oxygen gas were produced when it was in water and exposed to light.

What is the function of the Elodea cell?

Elodea is a water plant native to Canada, often used in aquariums. It is also often used in biology labs on cell structure because it forms nice, large cells that are easily observed under the microscope. Chloroplasts are the organelles in a plant cell that contain the chlorophyll plants use to convert light into sugars.

How are Elodea cells similar to onion cells?

Elodiea cells and onion cells have more consistent shapes because they both contain cell walls which mainteains its shape. Human epithelia cells lack cell walls which is why they contain more different shapes .

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