What voice type is Jean Valjean?

What voice type is Jean Valjean?


Character Voice
Jean Valjean dramatic tenor G#2-B4 (D5 optional)
Javert bass-baritone F2-F♯4
The Bishop of Digne bass A2-E4
The Factory Foreman baritone D3-D4

What singers have a 7 octave range?

The seventh octave is the range of notes between C7 and C8. It is easier for very high coloratura sopranos to sing in this octave, but some people who are capable of singing in the bass range (like singers Adam Lopez, Virgo Degan, Nicola Sedda or Dimash Kudaibergen) can do it.

Which singer can sing the highest note?

The highest note on record is a G10 sung by Georgia Brown, a Brazilian dance/electric singer. You can hear it here (it’s really something!). While a G10 is extreme, many of the coloraturas I know sing up to the 7th octave.

What is the most comfortable singing range of a singer?

The Mezzo Soprano Tessitura or most comfortable vocal range lies somewhere between the Soprano Tessitura and the Contralto Tessitura. The Mezzo would probably transition out of chest voice around the E note just above middle C (E4) and shift into head voice around the E note one octave above the middle C octave (E5).

What voice type is Cosette?

soprano voice
Once she is adopted by Jean Valjean, Cosette lives a comfortable, if secluded, life. She falls instantly in love with Marius, changing her world and her priorities. The role calls for an excellent singer with a lovely, lyrical soprano voice.

What is Fantine’s vocal range?

This actress needs to be comfortable with her emotions out in the open and has to have the ability to convincingly go from wistful to bitter to heartbroken to shouting at God, all in one song. Fantine’s physical and emotional pain needs to be very real. Vocal Range: Mezzo Belt – G flat below middle C to E.

How many octaves can Adele sing?

three octaves
How many octaves can Adele sing? Adele’s vocal range is approximately B2 – E5 – Bb5, just shy of three octaves. What is Adele’s vocal type or fach? Adele is a lyric mezzo-soprano.

Is there a common range for all singing voices?

Each voice type is known to possess a general voice range that is associated with it. Singing voices may cover vocal ranges that have only 1 voice type, or they fall between the common ranges of 2 voice types. In this case, voice teachers use only vocal range as a factor in categorizing a singer’s voice.

Is the vocal range the same for men and women?

However, in the layman explanation, according to the vocal ranges chart above. The vocal range is merely the span between the highest to lowest notes. It’s crucial to identify the vocal range correctly since the vocal range of women and men might be varied.

What’s the difference between a singing voice and a voice type?

Vocal range plays such an important role in classifying singing voices into voice types that sometimes the two terms are confused with one another. A voice type is a particular kind of human singing voice perceived as having certain identifying qualities or characteristics; vocal range being only one of those characteristics.

Which is the lowest singing range for women?

The three female voice types are: Alto, Mezzo-Soprano, and Soprano The bass is the lowest singing range and typically lies between E2 to E4. In the lower and upper extremes of the bass voice, some basses can sing from C2 to G4. The baritone is the second lowest singing range, and overlaps both Bass and Tenor.

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