Who are the refugees in Italy?

Who are the refugees in Italy?

More specifically, Nigerian and Pakistan were the three main nationalities of refugees in Italy in 2019. Similarly, people from Nigeria, Bangladesh, and Pakistan were those receiving the largest number of humanitarian protection in the country.

Where do refugees go in Italy?

Although landings occur in Malta, Cyprus and Spain, Italy remains the country where the most ships come ashore after a rescue. In 2020, the number of migrants arriving by sea in Italy exceeded 34,000, mainly on the islands of Lampedusa and Sicily and in the toe of Italy, Calabria.

How much money do asylum seekers get in Italy?

Basic Care can be provided in reception centres where asylum seekers cook for themselves. In that case, asylum seekers receive between €150 and 200 per month mainly in cash.

What is refugee status in Italy?

Italy. In Italy, both refugee status and subsidiary protection (Permesso di soggiorno per protezione sussidiaria) are granted for five years and can be renewed. As in other countries, beneficiaries of refugee protection and subsidiary protection are not allowed to travel to their country of origin.

How many refugee camps are in Italy?

There are over 5,500 CAS established across Italy.

Where do most immigrants in Italy come from?


Country 2010 2019
Romania 887,763 1,145,718
Albania 466,684 440,854
Morocco 431,529 432,458
China 188,352 305,089

How do I become a refugee in Italy?

In order to obtain refugee status, a foreign citizen must first apply for an asylum visa in Italy. It is important to note that in 2015 the Italian Immigration Law has suffered various changes with respect to the procedure of accepting asylum seekers.

Which European country hosts most refugees?

The country with the highest numbers of refugees in the European Union is Germany. As of 2020, the UNHCR reported Germany to host some 1.2 million refugees, 243,200 asylum seekers and 26,700 stateless persons. Relative to national populations, the island of Aruba hosts the most displaced people.

How long does it take to get refugee status in Italy?

Once processed, the asylum seeker is registered with the National Commission for the Right of Asylum which will interview the applicant within 30 days after lodging the request for an Italian asylum visa. The decision for granting the asylum visa is issued within 3 days from the interview.

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