What is the electron configuration of a sulfur atom?

What is the electron configuration of a sulfur atom?

[Ne] 3s² 3p⁴
Sulfur/Electron configuration

What electron configuration represents an atom in an excited state?

Explanation: An electron configuration representing an atom in the excited state will show a valence electron promoted to a higher energy level. The ground state electron configuration of sodium is 1s22s22p63s1 .

What atom matches this electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p2 3s2?

2 Answers. BRIAN M. The electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p2 is the element Silicon.

What is the electron configuration of sulfur 16?

Fact box

Group 16 115.21°C, 239.38°F, 388.36 K
Block p 2.07
Atomic number 16 32.06
State at 20°C Solid 32S
Electron configuration [Ne] 3s23p4 7704-34-9

Is this electron configuration excited or ground state 2 8 7?

(2) 2-8-6-1 this is the excited state of Chlorine, on the periodic table the ground state is 2-8-7. The excited state electron configuration is showing an electron leaving one energy level and moving up to a higher level.

What is the excited state of sulfur?

Therefore, sulfur is in fact surrouded by 12 electrons and not 8 as per the octet rule. This is explained by the fact that the excited state of sulfur has the following electronic configuration: 1s22s22p63s13p34s03d2.

What atom matches this electron configuration 1s 2s 2p?

Element Atomic number Electron configuration
oxygen 8 1s22s22p4
fluorine 9 1s22s22p5
neon 10 1s22s22p6
sodium 11 1s22s22p63s1

What is the electronic configuration of CL 17?

Answer: The neutral atom chlorine (Z=17), for instance has 17 electrons. Therefore, its ground state electronic configuration can be written as 1s22s22p63s23p5.

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