What is amalgam restoration?

What is amalgam restoration?

Amalgam Restoration Amalgam restorations have been used to restore decayed and damaged teeth for over 150 years. Most people refer to amalgam fillings as ‘silver’ fillings because of their color when first place.

What restoration classification is an occlusal amalgam?

Class I Amalgam: Occlusal and Occlusolingual Preparation and Restoration.

What is an occlusal filling?

A multiple surface filling is a filling that covers more than one area of the tooth. Each tooth has five surfaces. These surfaces include: Occlusal or Incisal – the surface on the biting part of the tooth, or the top of the tooth.

How long does an occlusal filling take?

In general, a filling takes an hour or less. A simple filling may take as little as 20 minutes. A larger filling or multiple fillings can take longer.

How do you perform amalgam restoration?

Load the amalgam carrier with amalgam from the well; place the amalgam into the occlusal segment of the prepared cavity. Begin condensation using a small condenser to condense a portion of the amalgam into the proximal box area. Place pressure and condense into all line angles, as well as against the matrix band.

What is resin restoration?

A Preventive Resin Restoration (PRR) is a thin, resin coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, premolars and any deep grooves (called pits and fissures) of teeth. More than 75% of dental decay begins in these deep grooves. Teeth with these conditions are hard to clean and are very susceptible to decay.

What is a Class 5 restoration?

Class V composite restorations are placed every day in the restorative dental practice. Whether the cause is dental caries or abfraction, this area of the tooth can be deceptively difficult to restore in a predictable fashion.

What is a Class 3 restoration?

The class III restoration is nominally a “one-surface” restoration on the proximal contacting surface of the tooth. It is generally formed with composite resin or ionomer cement.

Is occlusal adjustment necessary?

Dental occlusal adjustment is also necessary before you go through several prosthetic changes. Misaligned teeth can lead to malocclusion, a condition in which your teeth and jaws are always misaligned, which can lead to severe long-term complications.

How much does an occlusal adjustment cost?

Cost of Occlusal Adjustment Adjustments need to be carefully planned out and executed, which may or may not require a lot of time. Cost start from $50 upwards.

How is the carving of an occlusal amalgam done?

The occlusal amalgam should be carved with two strokes: The carver is pulled (or pushed) as the cleoid edge is placed parallel to the cavity margin as part of the cleoid edge rests on the enamel adjacent to the restoration (fig 4 & 5). The tip of the instrument should not pass the center of the prepared cavity (fig. 6).

What happens to the amalgam when overpacked?

Inadequate condensation of amalgam in areas adjacent to the margins, especially in areas of occlusal overpacking, will cause a high residual mercury level to remain at the margin interface. The excessive γ2 phase in that area will lead to increased creep and corrosion and a decrease in strength that will predispose the restoration to fracture.

How is the band removed from an amalgam?

To remove the matrix band, tilt the band obliquely and withdraw it linguo-occlusally or bucco-occlusally. Support the restored marginal ridge with a cotton pledget. For an MO or DO restoration, the band is removed first from the non-involved proximal side. The band is then laid back toward adjacent tooth and away from the newly condensed amalgam.

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