What muscles does lateral thoracic artery supply?

What muscles does lateral thoracic artery supply?

It originates from the axillary artery and follows the lower border of the Pectoralis minor muscle to the side of the chest, supplies the Serratus anterior muscle and the Pectoralis major muscle, and sends branches across the axilla to the axillary lymph nodes and Subscapularis muscle.

What muscles does the axillary artery supply?

It follows the lateral margin of the muscle to the thoracic wall and supplies the serratus anterior and pectoral muscles, axillary lymph nodes, and subscapularis. It anastomoses with the internal thoracic, subscapular, and intercostal arteries and the pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery.

What nerve runs with the lateral thoracic artery?

The long thoracic nerve (respiratory nerve of Bell) originates from roots C5, C6, and C7 of the brachial plexus and provides motor stimulation to the serratus anterior muscle. It usually can be found adjacent to the lateral thoracic artery’s origin and runs along the serratus anterior.

What muscle does the internal thoracic artery pass anterior to?

internal intercostal muscles
The internal thoracic arteries travel inferiorly and are located approximately 1-2 centimeters lateral to the sternal margin on either side. It travels in a between the transversus thoracis muscle posteriorly and the internal intercostal muscles and costal cartilages anteriorly.

What is the lateral thoracic vein?

The lateral thoracic vein (sometimes debatably referred to as the long thoracic vein) is a tributary of the axillary vein. It runs with the lateral thoracic artery and drains the Serratus anterior muscle and the Pectoralis major muscle.

What muscles does the long thoracic nerve innervate?

The long thoracic nerve is a motor nerve that provides innervation to the serratus anterior muscle. This muscle pulls the scapula anteriorly, allowing for anteversion of the arm, and elevates the ribs, assisting in respiration.

What muscles does the anterior humeral circumflex artery supply?

Supply. The anterior circumflex humeral artery provides part of the blood supply to the glenohumeral joint, teres major and minor, and deltoid muscles. The ascending branch provides supply to the head of the humerus 1.

What does the axillary nerve supply?

The axillary nerve’s primary purpose is to supply nerve function to the shoulder joint and three muscles in the arm, but it also innervates some skin in that region, as well.

What muscles is innervated by thoracodorsal nerve?

The thoracodorsal nerve is a pure motor nerve that innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle. The latissimus dorsi muscle is a large, fan-shaped muscle that originates from the spinous processes of T7 to L5, the thoracolumbar fascia, and iliac crest.

What is lateral thoracic nerve?

The lateral thoracic nerve (LTN), as a pure motor nerve, innervates the cutaneous maximus muscle (CMM) by some of the shortest and the longest motor nerve fibers in the mouse body. Its branches and nerve terminals can be imaged in whole mount preparations.

Where is the thoracic muscle?

The muscle is attached to the superior, medial, and inferior aspects of the ninth through twelfth ribs. It then angles down and inward (toward midline) to attach to the spinous processes of the 11th and 12th thoracic and first (and often second) lumbar vertebra.

Where do anterior intercostal veins drain?

The anterior intercostal veins originate from the intercostal space just inferior to anterior aspects of their respective ribs and drain into the internal thoracic and musculophrenic veins.

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