What is CPS Track E?

What is CPS Track E?

Between 2010 and 2013, CPS experimented with an optional year-round calendar called “Track E” that began in early August and gave students a shorter summer break but more breaks throughout the school year. CPS let schools choose the traditional calendar or the year-round schedule.

What is a Track E school?

Also referred to as phasing or streaming, tracking is a system in which students are divided into classes based on their overall achievement. Students are ranked as being average, normal, or below average and they are divided into classes with students of the same achievement level.

Is tracking in schools illegal?

The United States Congress has enacted civil rights laws that protect individuals from discrimination. An important civil rights law is Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It also prohibits discrimination in ability grouping or tracking students.

Should schools put trackers in ID cards?

First of all, putting tracking devices in students ID cards violates privacy laws. In order to gain trust from students you must first put trust into the students. Requiring kids to wear these tags also poses a danger to students outside of school.

Is academic tracking good?

Academic tracking offers choices and healthy competition for students. Those who might fall further behind in other systems may feel motivated to keep up with their peers. In doing so, they will get more out of their education and be better prepared for their future careers and other endeavors.

Why are there chips in school IDS?

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification Device. These chips can be placed in ID cards and clothing and they transmit a unique serial number via radio signal to an electronic reader at the school’s entrance.

Is academic tracking bad?

Underperforming students may be at a disadvantage with academic tracking, as their low performance may result in fewer opportunities to express their intellect, creativity, or unique skills. For example, they may be less likely to be selected for extracurricular events, such as the school quiz team or an art expo.

Why is online tracking bad?

Tracking is a problem: We are becoming more transparent, while tracking stays invisible. Tracking makes it possible for companies to manipulate you. Prices are changed on the basis of what they think you are willing to pay, newsfeeds are altered accordingly and your personal weaknesses are abused.

Do school IDS have trackers?

The trackers that are used are called RFID trackers. This means that they are chips, placed in ID cards (or clothing), which transmit a specific serial number through radio signals that connect to an electronic reader located at the entrance of some schools.

What are the biggest risks of being tracked online?

The Dangers of Being Tracked Online

  • Spying and Snooping. You’re spied on a lot of detectors for a range of reasons while you are browsing.
  • Software or Data Hacking.
  • Information Mishandling.
  • Location Tracking.
  • Facebook Applications are Leaking Personal Info.
  • Conduct Safe Browsing.
  • Use a VPN.
  • Use Anti-Virus.

Why are there chips in school IDs?

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