Who administers Falkland Islands?

Who administers Falkland Islands?

The archipelago, with an area of 4,700 square miles (12,000 square kilometres), comprises East Falkland, West Falkland, and 776 smaller islands. As a British overseas territory, the Falklands have internal self-governance, and the United Kingdom takes responsibility for their defence and foreign affairs.

How is the Falkland Islands governed?

The islands are a self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, but have been the subject of a claim to sovereignty by Argentina since the early years of Argentina’s independence from Spain.

Are the Falkland Islands self-governing?

Though an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, the Falkland Islands enjoys a large measure of internal self government.

Do the British control the Falkland Islands?

The isolated and sparsely-populated Falkland Islands, a British overseas territory in the south-west Atlantic Ocean, remain the subject of a sovereignty dispute between Britain and Argentina, who waged a brief but bitter war over the territory in 1982.

How were the Falkland Islands formed?

The breakup of Gondwana in the Mesozoic Era led to the formation of a large number of minor crustal fragments, including the Falkland Islands. At first, the fragment containing the islands separated from the southeastern part of Africa on a section that would become Antarctica and later rotated by almost 180°.

Why did the British want the Falkland Islands?

The primary purpose was to establish a naval base where ships could be repaired and take on supplies in the region. This might possibly count as an invasion, since a group of about 75 French colonists were living on the islands; they’d arrived the previous year.

What does the Falkland Islands produce?

Economy of the Falkland Islands

Main industries fish and wool processing; tourism
Exports $125 million (2004 est.)
Export goods wool, hides, meat, squid

How many political parties are represented during elections in the Falklands?

Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands
Seats 11 (8 elected, 2 non-voting ex officio members, 1 speaker)
Political groups Nonpartisan: 11 seats
Voting system Block voting

Does the UN Recognise the Falkland Islands?

The Falkland Islands (Malvinas)* has been on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories since 1946, following the transmission by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of information under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations.

What is special about the Falkland Islands?

The islands are well known for their nature. 80% of the world’s breeding population of Black-Browed Albatross are on the island.

Who did the Falkland Islands originally belong to?

Argentina based its claim to the Falklands on papal bulls of 1493 modified by the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), by which Spain and Portugal had divided the New World between themselves; on succession from Spain; on the islands’ proximity to South America; and on the need to end a colonial situation.

How is the government of the Falkland Islands?

The Islands, populated by around 3,000 people, are governed by a a Governor appointed by the Crown, aided by an elected executive and legislative council, in accordance with the Falkland Islands constitution. Jetty used by visitors arriving by sea in Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands.

Who is the Attorney General of the Falkland Islands?

The current Attorney General is Simon Young, who took office in December 2017. The Director of Finance of the Falkland Islands is responsible for government expenditure on the islands, acting with authorisation from the Legislative Assembly. The Director is also an ex officio member of both the Legislative Assembly and the Executive Council .

Who was the first person to land on the Falklands?

The English captain John Strong made the first recorded landing in the Falklands, in 1690, and named the sound between the two main islands after Viscount Falkland, a British naval official. The name was later applied to the whole island group.

Where are the Falkland Islands located in the world?

The islands are located in the South Atlantic Ocean, on the Patagonian Shelf, about 300 miles (480 km) east of Patagonia in southern Argentina. The Falklands’ approximate location is latitude 51°40′ – 53°00′ S and longitude 57°40′ – 62°00′ W.

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