Can black ghost fish be kept with cichlids?

Can black ghost fish be kept with cichlids?

Tank Mates The ideal community for this fish is other peaceful similar size fish such as peaceful Cichlids or Catfish. Black Ghost Knifefish will start to become aggressive if they are limited to small spaces and if they don’t have enough hiding spots.

What other fish can you put with cichlids?

What Other Fish Can Live with African Cichlids

  • Botia Loaches (Clown Loach)
  • Red Tail Shark.
  • Giant Danios.
  • African Red-eyed Tetra.
  • Pleco.
  • Scavenger (Upside-down catfish)
  • Leopard Bush-fish.

Can cichlids live with semi aggressive fish?

Most African cichlids are highly territorial and very aggressive. They should not be kept with other tropical fish species, even new-world cichlids such as angelfish or discus fish.

What is an oddball fish?

Oddball is the term used to describe an aquarium fish that may look or behave unusually and is not suitable for the average community tank. Oddballs may be predatory of small fish, grow large or have specialist needs. Some oddballs may even need to be kept as a single specimen in a tank on their own.

Can knife fish live with cichlids?

Knifefish Behavior/Compatibility Most knifefish are nocturnal and tend to be shy, especially when first introduced to an aquarium. Depending on the species of knifefish you keep, a few compatible fish include silver dollars, tinfoil barbs, angelfish, large cichlids, larger Gouramis and Synodontis catfish.

How big does a ghost knife fish get?

The average size of the black ghost knife fish is 19 in (50 cm) but some of them grow 23 in (60 cm) long. Research also suggests that the black ghost knife fish grows around 5-6 in (12-15 cm). The black ghost knifefish is five times larger than a few species of catfish.

What do cichlids like in their tank?

Cichlids prefer warm water with a high pH. While cichlids tend to be able to tolerate a wide variety of temperatures and water types, their colors will appear brighter and more vibrant in water with a pH of around eight. Many pet and aquarium stores sell aquarium additives that are designed for cichlids.

Can you put a betta with cichlids?

Keeping a betta and any type of cichlid together, even in a large tank, is not a good idea. Cichlids will harass and eventually kill a betta. They nip at their large, wavy fins, causing damage and eventually death from infection. Large cichlids can swallow a betta whole.

Can cichlids live with bettas?

Because both these types of fish are aggressive and territorial, they cannot be kept in a tank together. Large cichlids will swallow bettas whole. It would be stressful for bettas to be kept in a tank with cichlids. They would harass them, and dwarf cichlids may nip at bettas fins.

What is the most aggressive saltwater fish?

7 Aggressive Saltwater Fish to Avoid in Your Tank

  • Clown Triggerfish.
  • Hawkfish.
  • Three Striped Damselfish.
  • Purple Tang.
  • Maroon Clownfish.
  • Snowflake Eel.
  • Lionfish.

How big does a rope fish get?

16 inches long
Rope fish can grow up to 16 inches long, so require spacious tanks. A 45- to 55-gallon tank is adequate for rope fish up to 12 inches long, but a more spacious tank will be needed for larger fish.

When did oddball fish start selling tropical fish?

We were the first in the world to commercially produce Blue-eye Rainbows and we were early adopters of Probiotics in breeding and growing freshwater tropical fish. Since 1999, we have been selling exotic tropical fish direct to consumers, through We guarantee live, vibrant, healthy arrival of your fish.

Is it OK to keep a cichlid as a pet?

With their beautiful colors and inquisitive personalities, it’s no wonder why cichlids are such a popular species to own among aquarists. However, their aggressive nature and care needs can make them a bit difficult to keep, especially if you don’t do your research.

How often should I Feed my cichlid fish?

You should feed your cichlids two to three times a day as hungry fishes will be more aggressive. Only give your fish as much as they can eat within a couple of minutes. If any food is left after this time, remove it from your tank to prevent the water’s fouling.

How often do African cichlids replace their teeth?

Some fish have smaller rows of teeth for scraping algae off rocks, while others have teeth not dissimilar to fangs for hunting small fish. An interesting aspect of African cichlids is that they regenerate their teeth every 100 days or so. This allows them to replace any teeth that have been damaged or lost.

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