Can barrage be used as a verb?

Can barrage be used as a verb?

verb (used with object), bar·raged, bar·rag·ing. to subject to a barrage.

What is barrage synonym?

bombardment, gunfire, cannonade, battery, blast, broadside, salvo, volley, fusillade. storm, hail, shower, cascade, rain, stream, blitz. shelling, barrier of fire, curtain of fire, wall of fire. 2’a barrage of criticism’

What part of speech is the word barrage?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: barrages, barraging, barraged
definition: to subject to a barrage, as of gunfire or words. They barraged me with questions. similar words: bombard, volley
related words: bombard, deluge

What barrage means?

1 : a heavy and continuous firing of weapons during a battle. 2 : a great amount of something that comes quickly and continuously a barrage of commercials.

Is the word barrage singular or plural?

The plural form of barrage is barrages.

What is the difference between Weir and barrage?

A weir is an impermeable barrier that is built across a river to raise the water level on the upstream side. On the other hand, a barrage involves adjustable gates installed over a dam to maintain the water surface at different levels and at different times. The water level is adjusted by opening the valves or gates.

What are antonyms for barrage?

Antonyms. thin reduce exact refrain end finish. outpouring linguistic communication bombardment onslaught.

What is the use of barrage?

A barrage is a type of low-head, diversion dam which consists of a number of large gates that can be opened or closed to control the amount of water passing through. This allows the structure to regulate and stabilize river water elevation upstream for use in irrigation and other systems.

What are some antonyms for barrage?


  • stay in place.
  • thin.
  • reduce.
  • exact.

What does barrage mean example?

The definition of barrage is a large volume of something, or a huge amount of things happening all at once. An example of barrage is a large amount of gunfire with the purpose of keeping the enemy forces from moving forward.

Is barrage singular or plural?

Which is the longest barrage in India?

The barrage is about 2,304 metres (7,559 ft) long….

Farakka Barrage
Location Malda & Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Coordinates 24°48′16″N 87°55′59″ECoordinates: 24°48′16″N 87°55′59″E
Construction began 1961

Are there any synonyms for the word barrage?

Synonyms for barrage. blitz, blitzkrieg, bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat, drumfire, flurry, fusillade,

What is a synonym for the word barraging?

Synonyms: barrage2, bombard, pelt2, pepper These verbs mean to direct a concentrated outpouring of something at someone: barraged the speaker with questions; bombarded the box office with ticket orders; pelted the clerk with complaints; peppered the senator with protests. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

Where does the word barrage come from in French?

1859, “action of barring; man-made barrier in a stream,” from French barrer “to stop,” from barre “bar,” from Old French barre (see bar (n.1)). Artillery sense is 1916, from World War I French phrase tir de barrage “barrier fire” intended to isolate the objective.

What is the definition of a balloon barrage?

A protective screen of balloons that is moored to the ground and kept at given heights to prevent or hinder operations by enemy aircraft. This meaning also called balloon barrage. 3. A type of electronic attack intended for simultaneous jamming over a wide area of frequency spectrum.

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