How do I change the color of my SpannableString?

How do I change the color of my SpannableString?

For example, to set a green text color you would create a SpannableString based on the text and set the span. SpannableString string = new SpannableString(“Text with a foreground color span”); string. setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(color), 12, 28, Spanned.

How do I change the color of my text view?

There are many different ways to set color on text view.

  1. Add color value in studio res->values->colors.xml as #800080
  2. If you want to give color code directly use below Color.parseColor code textView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor(“#ffffff”));
  3. You can also use RGB.

How can I span text in Android?

To apply a span, call setSpan(Object _what_, int _start_, int _end_, int _flags_) on a Spannable object. The what parameter refers to the span to apply to the text, while the start and end parameters indicate the portion of the text to which to apply the span.

How do you change text italics on Android?

To change the style to italic, you have to assign textStyle with “italic” . Let us create an Android application with Kotlin support in Android Studio and change the text style of TextView in XML layout file. There is no need to change the MainActivity. kt file.

What is Spannable?

Spannable is a Spanned , adding in the ability to modify the spans (to add or remove formatting), but not to modify the text itself. SpannedString is a concrete implementation of the Spanned interface. SpannableString is a concrete implementation of the Spannable interface.

How do you change the font color on your phone?

Open Settings app on your Android device > Display > Styles & Wallpapers, make a Choice > Save if prompted. High contrast makes text easier to read on your device. This feature fixes the text color as either black or white, depending on the original text color.

What is SpannableString?

SpannableString is a character sequence type class. You can use it as a String object in android TextView. But SpannableString can make TextView content more colorful and diverse.

Can you change the color of your text bubble?

Switching the background color of the bubble behind your text isn’t possible with default apps, but free third-party apps such as Chomp SMS, GoSMS Pro and HandCent allow you to do this. In fact, you can even apply different bubble colors for incoming and outgoing messages or make them match the rest of your theme.

How do I change text Spannable on Android?

setText(Spannable, BufferType. SPANNABLE) and then, when you need to modify the spans, retrieve the Spannable object from the TextView by casting TextView. getText() to Spannable .

How do you bold and italicize text on Android?

the android:textStyle attribute allow us to set the text style to normal, bold or italic. we can combine this style by separated them using keyboard pipe | symbol. so if we want to render TextView text as bold and italic then we need to set the android:textStyle attribute value as android:textStyle=”blod|italic”.

How to change the color of a substring?

It is easy to change the color of the whole string but to change the color of a substring we have to use a special class SpannableString. But SpannableString class is not really helpful when it comes to change the background color of the text. So for that, we have to use SpannableStringBuilder class.

When to use spannable string in text styling?

Spans are markup objects that are used to style a text either at the character level (for example, changing colors of different words) or at the paragraph level (for example, making a bullet list). SpannedString: This is used when there is no need to modify the text or the markup after its creation.

How to change the background color of text?

You can use the setSpan method as many times as you want. You can change the background color of some parts of the text in the TextView by using BackgroundColorSpan. Here, we are changing the background to Red. The output of the above code will be: You can use RelativeSizeSpan to change the size of some parts of the TextView.

When to use spannablestringbuilder in Android markup?

SpannableStringBuilder: This is used when you need to modify the text as well as the markup. This is a quick intro about the Spans in Android. Now, let’s see some of the use-cases of it.

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