What are some clown names?

What are some clown names?

10 Most Notable – and Often Creepy – Clowns in Pop Culture

  1. Ronald McDonald.
  2. Bozo the Clown.
  3. Krusty the Clown.
  4. Pennywise the Dancing Clown, a.k.a. It.
  5. The Joker.
  6. Twisty the Clown.
  7. John Wayne Gacy, a.k.a. Pogo the Clown, a.k.a. The Killer Clown.
  8. Happy Slappy.

How would you describe a clown?

The definition of a clown is a jester, or a person who dresses in funny clothes and entertains at a party or in a circus with jokes and tricks, or a person who pretends to be foolish. Clown means to perform tricks and jokes in a circus or at a party, or to act foolishly.

What is the origin of clowns?

World clown comes from the Icelandic word “klunni” which means “a clumsy person”. The first known clowns date from the time of the Fifth dynasty of Egypt, around 2400 BC. Early clowns were also priests and their roles were almost indivisible. Clowns of ancient Greece were bald and wore padded clothes to appear larger.

What are the 4 types of clowns?


  • There are 4 types of clown the whiteface clown,tramp clown,auguste clown and the character clown . It would be easier for people like me who are looking for information if the character clown was included.
  • There are 4 types of clown the whiteface clown,tramp clown,auguste clown and the character clown .

How do you pick a clown name?

How to choose your clown name

  1. Play around with funny names and sounds – it doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to make you chuckle!
  2. Think of a food you like – use that as your clown name.
  3. What’s your favourite animal?

What adjectives describe clowns?

Of, relating to, or befitting a clown; clownish; clownlike.

What are describing words?

Descriptive words are help visualize, describe, define, or explain information about people, places, things, situations, or actions. Descriptive words could also include adverbs, or words that help to describe action. Descriptive words could also be clear, strong verbs or nouns that carry clear meaning.

What are clowns afraid of?

But the fact is, clowns are frightening to many people even without the help of the King of Horror; they have a specific phobia. phobia. An overwhelming and irrational fear of a specific object, idea or situation that leads to disabling anxiety, including intense avoidance of the object of fear.

What type of clown is Pennywise?

the Dancing Clown
Literature. In the novel, It is a shapeshifting monster who usually takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, originating in a void containing and surrounding the Universe—a place referred to in the novel as the “Macroverse”.

What’s an Auguste clown?

: a circus clown who appears in white makeup and follows a chiefly slapstick routine.

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