How do you wish marriage anniversary?

How do you wish marriage anniversary?


  1. “Wishing a perfect pair a perfectly happy day.”
  2. “Here’s to another year of being great together!”
  3. “Anniversary cheers!”
  4. “Happy [21st] anniversary, you old lovebirds!”
  5. “Hope you find time to look back on all your sweet memories together.”
  6. “Always knew you two had something special.”

Do you say congratulations for a wedding anniversary?

Sending you many blessings and best wishes. May you continue to live a full and joyous life together for many more years yet to come. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your Anniversary!

How do you wish a marriage anniversary to Uncle and Aunty?

Uncle and aunty wish you very happy returns to this day. Happy Silver Anniversary. You both always have a significant place in my heart. I never saw a beautiful couple like you in my life and wish you a great charm at your wedding anniversary.

Which is correct marriage anniversary or wedding anniversary?

Difference between wedding anniversary and marriage anniversary. Wedding anniversary is the date of remembrance of the specific ceremony that unites two in marriage. Marriage anniversary is the date of remembrance of the event of getting married.

Can we write happy wedding anniversary?

Happy Anniversary Wishes and Anniversary Card Sayings You have loved one another through all these years. May your love continue to bring you joy as you celebrate your anniversary of love and togetherness. Happy anniversary to a beautiful couple! May the freshness of your love always remain.

What to say to congratulate a married couple?

Casual Wedding Wishes

  • “Best wishes!”
  • “Congratulations!”
  • “Congratulations on your wedding!”
  • “We’re/I’m so happy for you!”
  • “Wishing you lots of love and happiness.”
  • “We/I love you. Congrats!”
  • “Lots of love today and beyond.”
  • “Here’s a little something to start your life together.” (If you’re including a gift.)

What is right wedding anniversary or marriage anniversary?

Wedding anniversary is the date of remembrance of the specific ceremony that unites two in marriage. Marriage anniversary is the date of remembrance of the event of getting married. Generally, marriage relates to the extended state after the wedding.

What is meant by wedding anniversary?

Your wedding anniversary is a date that you remember or celebrate because you got married on that date in a previous year.

What is a good anniversary gift for a couple?

Silver Cup Gift For Couple Anniversary: The traditional way of gifting the couple during their anniversary day by family members could be with silver or gold. Presenting silver cup or silver spoon is a traditional way of greeting the couple with good health and prosperity.

What is anniversary wishes?

Anniversary Wishes. The celebration of an anniversary is a very special time in a person’s life. It is a once in a lifetime occurrence that deserves recognition and heartfelt wishes. Send anniversary wishes and greetings to your friends and family.

When is marriage anniversary?

An anniversary is a marking of a complete year after an event. The marriage is continuous, and so there is no marking of it with an anniversary as if it is in the past. For the most part, marriage is the state of being and the wedding is the event. On one’s 5th wedding anniversary, one is celebrating 5 years of marriage.

What is a marriage anniversary?

A wedding anniversary is the anniversary of the date a wedding took place. Traditional names exist for some of them: for instance, fifty years of marriage is called a “golden wedding anniversary” or simply a “golden anniversary” or “golden wedding”. 1 Official recognition. 2 Celebration and gifts.

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