What is CREF Global Equities?

What is CREF Global Equities?

CREF Global Equities Account is a variable annuity incorporated in the USA. The Fund seeks a favorable long-term rate of return through capital appreciation and income from a broadly diversified portfolio that consists primarily of foreign and domestic common stocks.

What is CREF Global Equities r1?

The CREF Global Equities Account is a globally diversified variable annuity account that seeks a favorable long-term rate of return through capital appreciation and income. The Account provides participants the option to convert all or a portion of their accumulations into lifetime income.

What is CREF Growth r2?

Investment Description. The CREF Growth Account is an actively-managed variable annuity that seeks a favorable long-term rate of return, mainly through capital appreciation. It primarily invests in a diversified portfolio of common stocks that present the opportunity for exceptional growth.

What is TIAA Traditional annuity?

TIAA Traditional Annuity is a guaranteed annuity product issued by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), New York, NY. All guarantees are based on TIAA’s claims-paying ability. TIAA Traditional is a guaranteed insurance contract and not an investment for federal securities law purposes.

What is CREF Growth r3?

The CREF Growth Account is an actively-managed variable annuity that seeks a favorable long-term rate of return, mainly through capital appreciation. It primarily invests in a diversified portfolio of common stocks that present the opportunity for exceptional growth.

What’s the difference between TIAA and CREF?

It is a for-profit financial institution that provides pension, insurance, and investment services mainly for teachers and their families. TIAA was formerly also part of the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF), which spun off as a separate entity in 2016. Prior to 2010, TIAA-CREF operated as a non-profit.

Can I sell my TIAA annuity?

The Transfer Payout Annuity minimum is the lesser of $10,000 or 100% of your TIAA Traditional account balance. If your employer’s plan permits, you can withdraw or roll over the full TIAA Traditional account balance within 120 days of ending your employment (subject to a 2.5% surrender fee).

What is a variable annuity and how does it work?

A variable annuity is a tax-deferred retirement vehicle that allows you to choose from a selection of investments, and then pays you a level of income in retirement that is determined by the performance of the investments you choose. Compare that to a fixed annuity, which provides a guaranteed payout.

What does CREF mean?

College Retirement Equities Fund
What do those letters mean?

TIAA Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association OF AMERICA
CREF College Retirement Equities Fund

Is CREF an annuity?

CREF variable annuities offer specialized options for every investor. By focusing on growth, responsible investing, inflation protection and other strategies, CREF annuities give you the confidence of having retirement income for life.

Can I move my money out of TIAA-CREF?

You can withdraw funds at any time. Log into TIAA.org, then use the SUPPORT menu to choose TRANSACTIONS & INFORMATION. You can find your withdrawal request options in this section.

What is the difference between TIAA and CREF?

Why is it important to have a CREF account?

CREF variable annuity accounts can help get you to and through retirement. While you’re working, CREF can help maximize your investment and allows you to make adjustments as life changes. When you retire, you can turn CREF into income that suits your need.

Can a CREF account be transferred to TIAA account?

3 After beginning lifetime income, you can transfer among the CREF accounts or into TIAA Traditional and/ or TIAA Real Estate Account, and you can change when your annuity payments are revalued.

How are CREF variable annuities benefit your retirement?

CREF variable annuities offer specialized options for every investor. By focusing on growth, responsible investing, inflation protection and other strategies, CREF annuities give you the confidence of having retirement income for life. This is a modal window.

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