What does HSV-1 and 2 IgG positive mean?

What does HSV-1 and 2 IgG positive mean?

A positive result means that the patient has an HSV infection. The patient may be experiencing an initial outbreak or a recurrent outbreak from a past infection. Test results may also include the type of HSV identified in the sample.

What does HSV-1 IgM antibodies 1/10 titer mean?

If the second specimen is positive, a primary, reactivated infection, or reinfection is indicated. Greater than 1:10. Positive: Detectable IgM antibody. This indicates a primary, reactivated infection, or re-infection. Such individuals are presumed to be at risk of transmitting infection.

How long does HSV IgM stay positive?

The time required for the development of IgG antibodies following HSV infection varies from 21 to over 42 days with most individuals having detectable IgG 21–28 days after exposure to the infection and probably lasting for life.7–,9 IgM antibodies are usually detectable 9–10 days after exposure and last 7–14 days.

What does HSV-2 positive mean?

Positive/Abnormal. HSV was found in your sample. It may mean you have an active infection (you currently have sores), or were infected in the past (you have no sores). If you tested positive for HSV, talk to your health care provider. While there is no cure for herpes, it hardly ever causes serious health problems.

What does it mean If IgG is positive for HSV?

The presence of IgM HSV antibodies indicates acute infection with either HSV type 1 or 2. The IgG antibody assay detects IgG-class antibodies to type-specific HSV glycoprotein G (gG), and may allow for the differentiation of infection caused by HSV types 1 and 2.

When do IgM antibodies come back after HSV?

Detected – IgM antibody to HSV detected, which may indicate a current or recent infection. However, low levels of IgM antibodies may occasionally persist for more than 12 months post-infection. Background information for test.

Do you need IGM for herpes simplex virus type 1?

Recommendations when to order or not order the test. May include related or preferred tests. Not recommended for herpes simplex virus (HSV) testing; IgM lacks adequate predictive value for acute infection. If pursuing antibody testing, refer to Herpes Simplex Type 1 and Type 2 Glycoprotein G-Specific Antibodies, IgG by CIA ( 0051152 ).

What is the difference between HSV 1 and 2?

HSV-2 is also a viral STD, and typically results in sores or lesions on the genitals, anus or upper thighs. A case of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 is called genital herpes when it affects the genitals or the genital area. Cases of genital herpes are usually caused by the HSV-2 strain, but HSV-1 cases of genital herpes are becoming more and more common.

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