How do I find a GLN number?

How do I find a GLN number?

If you are looking to identify an entity and have a GS1 US GTIN or a GS1 Company Prefix, you already have an entity GLN. To access it, visit The Global Location Number (GLN) provides flexibility for every level of location identification.

Who needs a GLN?

The GLN is used to uniquely identify any location or legal entity anywhere in the world. Some companies choose to allocate one GLN for their whole business, while others allocate an individual GLNs for every location they need to identify. This could be a warehouse receiving dock or a hospital bed location in a ward.

What does GLN mean EDI?

Global Location Number
The GLN (Global Location Number) is a global code that identifies a location, in other words, an electronic address. The information associated with the GLN is the company name, tax ID and codes, location, type of premises, address, telephone, e-mail, contact persons, billing information, etc…

Why do I need a GLN?

The GLN is essential for the identification of trading and logistic transactions. It enables you to identify different locations such as a warehouse, a loading dock, a section or a specific department. The GLN code can also be used for communications within a company.

What does a GLN number look like?

A GLN is a 13-digit number consisting of a GS1 company prefix, a location reference, and a check digit. The location reference is assigned by the company itself to identify a specific location. The check digit is calculated from the first twelve digits and helps to ensure the integrity of the number.

What is a supplier GLN?

The GLN is the GS1 Identification Key used for any location (physical, operational or legal) that needs to be identified for use in the supply chain. The GLN is a globally unique number that can be used to access master data about a location. GLNs are designed to improve the efficiency of.

What does a GLN look like?

A GLN is a 13-digit number consisting of a GS1 company prefix, a location reference, and a check digit. The following figure shows the structure of a GLN and two exemplary GLNs. The GS1 company prefix is assigned by a GS1 member organization to a specific subscriber (e.g., a company).

How do I apply for GLN?

Method 1 – Obtain a GS1 Company Prefix Your organisation becomes a member of the GS1 community, and your GS1 MO assigns a GS1 Company Prefix to your company. The GS1 Company Prefix enables you to create and allocate GS1 Identification Keys, including GLNs.

What is supplier GLN?

A Global Location Number (GLN) is a unique number that is assigned to locations to enable them to be identified uniquely worldwide. These GLNs can be used to identify any legal, physical and functional locations. GLNs are reference keys that can link to further information about the company or location.

WHO issues GLN?

GLNs are issued by the local GS1 organizations in the different countries. Thus, prices for GLNs may vary from country to country. The following prices are from GS1 Germany and may serve as a reference for the prices in other countries. Currently, GS1 Germany offers GLNs in three different contingents.

How many digits is GLN?

What is a Global Location Number (GLN)? The Global Location Number (GLN) is a 13 digit globally unique identifier for any location, physical, operational, or legal, that needs to be identified for use in the supply chain. Once identified, GLNs can then be used for retrieving information from databases.

How many numbers is a GLN?

13 digits
The Global Location Number is made of 13 digits, containing a GS1 Company Prefix, a Location Reference and a Check Digit. The associated data points like name, address, trade function, etc. are linked to each unique number. Each GLN is uniquely specific to one exact location on the globe.

What is the Gln and what is it?

The GLN (Global Location Number) is a global code that identifies a location, in other words, an electronic address. The GLN (Global Location Number) is a global code that identifies a location, in other words, an electronic address.

How is the Global Location Number ( GLN ) used?

The Global Location Number (GLN) is used to identify the locations of parties involved in business transactions. These can be functional groups within a company or real, physical “places” that might ship, receive, process, or hold inventories, like:

Can a company apply for a Gln from its own country?

Any company can apply for its GLN from its own country’s GS1 organization. Once you have your GLN, your company is ready to step into the world of EDI and take advantage of the dematerialization of exchanges. Now, all you need to do is choose a provider able to adapt to your business model with a specific solution for your GLNs.

How is the Gln code used in EDI?

Each company taking part in a communication via EDI must first be identified with a GLN code. The GLN code goes along with the structured information of the EDI message and avoids the duplication of locations, as each partner has its own identifier. The GLN code can also be used for communications within a company.

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