What rhymes with Justin?

What rhymes with Justin?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
Augustan 100 [x/x]
Ruston 100 [/x]
Rushton 96 [/x]
The Sun 92 [xx]

What words start with a soft G?

“Soft” G — when g represents the “j” sound.

germ gel ingest
generate gentle age
engage wage bridge
nudge fledge knowledge

What words start with G and sound like J?

2.) The letter “g” makes the /j/ sound

  • gem.
  • gentle.
  • giant.
  • gymnasium.
  • ginger.
  • hydrogen.

What words sound like were?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
in her 100 Phrase
and her 100 Phrase
der 100 Other
er 100 Noun

What are the sounds of G?

The letter ”g” has two sounds, hard “g” and soft “g”. The hard sound of “g” occurs more frequently. Its sound is heard in gas, got, gum, etc. Soft “g” sounds like “j”.

What is the sound of g?

Unlike the letter c, which is an alternate spelling for the sounds of k and s and has no sound of its own, the letter g does have one sound of its own: the “hard” sound heard in glove. The second sound of g, the “soft” sound heard in giant, represents the sound that belongs to the letter j [j].

What are some g words?


  • gabby.
  • gable.
  • gaddi.
  • gadid.
  • gadis.
  • gaffe.
  • gaffs.
  • What rhymes with the word once?

    Word Rhyme rating Categories
    dunce 100 Noun
    dence 100 Noun
    Bunce 100 Name
    gance 100 Noun

    What rhymes with was?

    syllable: baas, blahs, cars, cause, claus, clause, claws, coz, draws, flaws, gauze, hawse, jaws, law’s, laws, maas, mas, oz, pas, pause, paws, paz, spas, tawse, vase.

  • syllables: applause, because, bylaws, danaus, diapause, diaz, fortaz, genoise, jackstraws, owlclaws, shiraz.
  • syllables:
  • syllables:
  • What is a soft G sound like?

    A soft “g” sounds more like a “j,” as in the words large, general, and giant. By contrast, a hard “c” sounds like a “k,” as in the words cup, class, and fact.

    What are some words that g sounds like?

    Study the word list: g sounds like j smudge Izzy rubbed out and made a smudge! * wedge Samuel got a huge wedge of cake! * gel Freddie puts gel in his hair. * gem Kitty sewed a gem onto her bag. * gent Rex is a real gent . *

    Which is the correct letter j or G?

    If the /j/ sound comes elsewhere in a word it can be spelled j or g. 1. Before the vowels a, o and u, the sound /j/ is usually spelled with the letter j: 2. Before the vowels e, i and y, the sound /j/ is usually spelled with the letter g: You have not completed a Learn the Words activity for each word list on this page.

    What are 15 letters that start with G?

    15-letter words that start with g. gastroenteritis. gluconeogenesis. gluconeogeneses. glucocorticoids. glutaraldehydes. glyceraldehydes. gnotobiotically.

    What are some examples of medial g words?

    Medial G Phrases and Sentences. weather in August big cougar chinese dragon soaring eagle foggy street juicy hamburger jogging trail juggle balls heavy luggage strong magnet dirty pigpen cute pigtail noisy sea gull sweet sugar big tiger small tugboat red wagon learn yoga.

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