What is the summary of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?

What is the summary of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson?

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a short story published in the June 26, 1948 edition of The New Yorker. Written immediately after World War II, it explores ideas such as communal violence, individual vulnerability, and the dangers of blindly following tradition.

What is the main idea of the short story The Lottery?

In ‘The Lottery,’ the central idea is that people should not blindly follow traditions without questioning them.

What is the purpose for The Lottery in Jackson’s story?

An author’s purpose in writing a story is generally expressed in the theme. In this case, Shirley Jackson wrote “The Lottery” in order to express the theme of mindless adherence to tradition.

Why did they do the lottery in the lottery?

Mr. Adams tells Old Man Warner that he has heard of another village in the north in which the townspeople are talking about giving up the lottery. The reason why the villagers “have” to have a lottery is simply because the lottery had become a tradition that has been followed since the time of the villagers’ ancestors.

What is the conflict in the short story The Lottery?

The main conflict of this short story is character versus society because it is society that insists upon the continuation of the lottery as a tradition, and it is this tradition—upheld by society—which is responsible for the brutal end of Tessie Hutchinson’s life.

What is Shirley Jackson trying to say in The Lottery?

In this case, Shirley Jackson wrote “The Lottery” in order to express the theme of mindless adherence to tradition. Let’s face it. The only reason this town continues to conduct a lottery is because they’ve always done it.

What does The Lottery symbolize in The Lottery?

The lottery represents any action, behavior, or idea that is passed down from one generation to the next that’s accepted and followed unquestioningly, no matter how illogical, bizarre, or cruel. The lottery has been taking place in the village for as long as anyone can remember.

What is the author’s purpose of The Lottery short story?

Shirley Jackson’s purpose in writing “The Lottery” was to show ordinary people in small-town America committing an evil act without any malevolent motive, or even any motive at all.

What is the authors message in The Lottery?

The main themes in “The Lottery” are the vulnerability of the individual, the importance of questioning tradition, and the relationship between civilization and violence. The vulnerability of the individual: Given the structure of the annual lottery, each individual townsperson is defenseless against the larger group.

What is Shirley Jackson trying to say in the lottery?

Who finally wins the lottery in the short story The Lottery?

Tess Hutchinson wins the lottery.

What is the irony in The Lottery?

The plot as a whole in “The Lottery” is filled with ironic twists. The whole idea of a lottery is to win something, and the reader is led to believe that the winner will receive some prize, when in actuality they will be stoned to death by the rest of the villagers.

What is the summary of the lottery by Shirley Jackson?

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Summary. The lottery is the short story written by Shirley Jackson that takes place hundreds of years from now on 27 th June in the small town. The people of the town started their day as the typical day but at 10:00 am all of the residents of the town had to report to a town square. This process is led by Mr. Summer.

What is the summary of the lottery?

The story describes a fictional small town in contemporary America which observes an annual rite known as “the lottery”. The purpose of the lottery is to choose a human sacrificial victim to be stoned to death to ensure the community’s continued well being.

What is the plot in the story the lottery by Shirley Jackson?

Plot summary. The story describes a mythical Babylon in which all activities are dictated by an all-encompassing lottery, a metaphor for the role of chance in one’s life. Initially, the lottery was run as a lottery would be, with tickets purchased and the winner receiving a monetary reward.

How did Jackson create suspense in “the lottery”?

Jackson uses Tessie to create suspense by showing readers her change of opinion about the lottery. When she arrives, she jokes good-naturedly with the crowd, but when her husband draws the black dot, narrowing the results down to her family, she becomes antagonistic and demands that they start over.


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