What ascii 44?

What ascii 44?

Standard ASCII Characters

Dec Hex Oct
68 44 104
69 45 105
70 46 106
71 47 107

What is the ascii value for 4?

Decimal ASCII Chart

3 ETX 35
4 EOT 36
5 ENQ 37
6 ACK 38
7 BEL 39

What character is ASCII 160?

The “space” character is represented as the number 32. There is, however, another type of “space” character known as a non-breaking space that is represented by the ASCII code number 160.

What is the ASCII code for Z?

ASCII characters from 33 to 126

ASCII code Character
90 Z uppercase z
93 ] right square bracket
96 ` grave accent
99 c lowercase c

What is the int value of char A?

This integer value is the ASCII code of the character. For example, the ASCII value of ‘A’ is 65.

How do I get rid of CHAR 160 in Excel?

The trick is to combine TRIM() with a few more functions. We start by using SUBSTITUTE() to replace all instances of CHAR(160) (non-breaking space) with normal space characters. We also use the CLEAN() function which attempts to remove characters that simply wouldn’t display on your machine in the first place. Voila!

What does 32-127 mean on the ASCII table?

ASCII printable characters (character code 32-127) Codes 32-127 are common for all the different variations of the ASCII table, they are called printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. You will find almost every character on your keyboard. Character 127 represents the command DEL.

How many characters are in the ASCII code?

ASCII Code – The extended ASCII table. ASCII, stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It’s a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character. On this webpage you will find 8 bits, 256 characters, ASCII table according to Windows-1252…

What is the ASCII code for Windows 1252?

There are several different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. The table below is according to Windows-1252 (CP-1252) which is a superset of ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1, in terms of printable characters, but differs from the IANA’s ISO-8859-1 by using displayable characters rather than control characters in the 128 to 159 range.

What does the 7 bit ASCII code stand for?

ASCII Code- The extended ASCII table ASCII, stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It’s a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character.

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