Is Carcharodontosaurus related to Spinosaurus?

Is Carcharodontosaurus related to Spinosaurus?

iguidensis, which are among the largest theropods, nearly as large as or even larger than Tyrannosaurus, Giganotosaurus, and Spinosaurus….Carcharodontosaurus.

Carcharodontosaurus Temporal range: Late Cretaceous,
Clade: Theropoda
Family: †Carcharodontosauridae
Subfamily: †Carcharodontosaurinae
Genus: †Carcharodontosaurus Stromer, 1931

Is Carcharodontosaurus bigger than Giganotosaurus?

In a 1997 interview, Coria estimated Giganotosaurus to have been 13.7 (45 ft) to 14.3 (47 ft) m long and weighing 8 to 10 t (8.8 to 11.0 short tons) based on new material, larger than Carcharodontosaurus.

What is the bite force of a Carcharodontosaurus?

Bite. Despite it’s size and strength, Carcharodontosaurus did not have a very strong bite. It’s jaw and skull were weak for an animal it’s size. It’s been estimated that Carcharodontosaurus couldn’t bite down with more than 3,000 pounds per square inch.

Is mapusaurus bigger than T. Rex?

Mapusaurus roseae was bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex and may be the biggest carnivorous dinosaur in history, said University of Alberta paleontologist Philip Currie, a member of the team that made the discovery. More than 12.5 metres in length, it had a head the size of a bathtub and teeth like daggers.

Who was bigger Spinosaurus or Giganotosaurus?

More gigantic than Giganotosaurus Spinosaurus was larger than both T. rex and Giganotosaurus, which was previously the largest carnivorous dinosaur known.

Who would win Giganotosaurus or Spinosaurus?

In any sort of aquatic or partially aquatic space, the Spinosaurus might have the advantage because of its superior mobility. The Spinosaurus was also longer and, with its spinal fin, taller than the Giganotosaurus. However, in most land-based scenarios, Giganotosaurus would likely have the upper hand.

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