What is the XhoI enzyme?
In molecular biology, XhoI is a type II restriction enzyme EC that recognise the double-stranded DNA sequence CTCGAG and cleaves after C-1. Type II restriction endonucleases (EC) are components of prokaryotic DNA restriction-modification mechanisms that protect the organism against invading foreign DNA.
What does Neb buffer do?
A. As an added convenience for our customers, NEB has included BSA in all its restriction enzyme buffers, eliminating the need to add it as a separate step. This makes digestion reactions simpler, set-up time even faster, and decreases the number of tubes to store.
Is XhoI methylation sensitive?
XhoI should not be sensitive to bacterial methylation patterns.
What is XhoI?
Where does the restriction enzyme HindIII cut?
Thermo Scientific HindIII restriction enzyme recognizes A^AGCTT sites and cuts best at 37°C in R buffer.
What is restriction enzyme buffer?
Reaction buffers for use in experiments involving restriction enzymes, such as restriction digestions. Different buffer solutions create optimal reaction conditions for specific restriction enzymes, or facilitate multiple enzymatic reactions.
What is the purpose of the buffer in a restriction enzyme reaction?
Major function of the buffer is to maintain pH of the reaction (usually, 8.0) and provide a favorable environment for the enzyme to function.
Is Methylase a restriction enzyme?
restriction enzymes Enzymes called methylases add methyl groups (—CH3) to adenine or cytosine bases within the recognition sequence, which is thus modified and protected from the endonuclease. The restriction enzyme and its corresponding methylase constitute the restriction-modification system of a bacterial species.
How many restriction enzymes are in Neb buffer?
NEB’s restriction enzyme buffer system makes your restriction digests easy and convenient. We are able to offer >215 restriction enzymes that cut in a single buffer, CutSmart ® .
What are the reaction conditions for XhoI restriction enzymes?
Learn more Thermo Scientific XhoI restriction enzyme recognizes C^TCGAG sites and cuts best at 37°C in R buffer. See Reaction Conditions for Restriction Enzymes for a table of enzyme activity, conditions for double digestion, and heat inactivation for this and other restriction enzymes.
How big is one unit of Xhoi enzyme?
One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of λ DNA (HindIII digest) fragments in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. XhoI is an isoschizomer of PaeR7I.
What kind of nebuffer is used for Double Digest?
Double digests with NEB’s restriction enzymes can be set up in CutSmart Buffer. Otherwise, choose an NEBuffer that results in the most activity for both enzymes. If star activity is a concern, consider using one of our High Fidelity (HF®) enzymes. Set up reaction according to recommended protocol.