What weapons did the hoplites use?

What weapons did the hoplites use?

Hoplites (HOP-lytes) (Ancient Greek: ὁπλίτης) were citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed with spears and shields. Hoplite soldiers used the phalanx formation to be effective in war with fewer soldiers.

What kind of weapons did ancient Greece use?

Some of the weapons that the Ancient Greeks used were the spear, sword, armor, shield, phalanx, ballista, and warship.

What is an argive grip?

Known as an Argive grip, it placed the handle at the edge of the shield and was supported by a leather fastening for the forearm at the center. This allowed hoplites more mobility with the shield, as well as the ability to capitalize on their offensive capabilities and better support the phalanx.

What did hoplites do?

hoplite, heavily armed ancient Greek foot soldier whose function was to fight in close formation. Until his appearance, probably in the late 8th century bce, individual combat predominated in warfare.

What do hoplites wear?

A Greek foot soldier was called a hoplite. He wore a linen shirt with metal armour plates on the shoulders. A bronze breastplate covered his chest and stomach, and greaves (shin guards) covered his legs. He wore a bronze helmet with a tall crest on his head.

What were hoplite shields made of?

The hoplite carried a large circular shield (hoplon or aspis) some 80 cm (30 in.) in diameter and weighing as much as 8 kg. This was made of wood or stiff leather, faced with bronze, and was held with the left arm placed through a central band (porpax) and gripped via a strap (antilabe) attached to the shield rim.

What’s the definition of a hoplite?

hoplite, heavily armed ancient Greek foot soldier whose function was to fight in close formation.

What is the difference between hoplon and aspis?

As nouns the difference between hoplon and aspis is that hoplon is a type of aspis used by greek hoplites while aspis is a type of round shield borne by ancient greek soldiers.

How heavy is a hoplon?

It was circular article called hoplon (often also called aspis) made of wood, measuring roughly one meter in diameter. This large shield protected the carrier effectively against the opponent´s arrows, spears and swords, although it was very heavy to carry: it weighed up to 8 kg (18 lbs).

Was Socrates a hoplite?

Socrates first distinguished himself as a hoplite, or heavily armed infantryman, in the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. He earned admiration for his ability to endure physical discomfort and for his fearlessness, particularly in saving the life of Alcibiades, a respected Athenian general.

What kind of weapon did the hoplites use?

A thrusting spear was the main offensive weapon of the Hoplite, light enough to be carried in one hand while leaving the other free to hold the shield. It was often carried in pairs in case one of the spears were to break [Mitchell].

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Where does a hoplite wear the shield on his arm?

It featured two straps, one in the middle of the shield, and another on the outer edge which allowed a Hoplite to wear the shield on his forearm; putting the middle strap by his elbow and holding the outer strap in his hand.

What was the purpose of the hoplite Greaves?

Similar to the helmet, the greaves were used to protect areas that were not protected by the shield, the shins and calves. Usually made of bronze they had to be custom made to fit the wearer. The inability to make a ‘one-size fits all’ greave would make them less common on the battlefield being a more expensive piece of equipment.

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