What is the status of file?

What is the status of file?

File status is a two-byte code that indicates how a file operation completed; either successfully, or with some form of error. If an error occurs, the file status indicates the reason for the error.

What is file status 90 in COBOL?

file status 90 Unsuccessful OPEN, READ, WRITE or CLOSE operation. You missed to initialize the file before OPEN, READ or WRITE statement.

What is file status 46 Cobol?

If a second sequential read is unsuccessful, a file status of 46 occurs and the AT END phrase is not executed.” When an AT END condition occurs, the READ is considered unsuccessful. This causes unpredictable results. The cause is the record contents returned to the program are UNDEFINED.

How many open modes a file can be opened?


Sr. No Open mode Description
1 in Open for reading
2 out Open for writing
3 ate Seek to end of file upon original open
4 app Append mode

How do I create a Ksds file in COBOL?

KSDS can be used in COBOL programs like any other file. We will specify the file name in JCL and we can use the KSDS file for processing inside program. In COBOL program specify file organization as Indexed and you can use any access mode (Sequential, Random or Dynamic) with KSDS dataset.

What is the meaning of VSAM file status 23?

Record not found
23. Record not found or File not found. 24. Key outside boundary of file.

What is the file status code 35?

Re: Problem with Unsuccessful open. The status code was 35. An OPEN statement with the INPUT, I-O, or EXTEND phrase was attempted on a nonoptional file that was unavailable. This usually means the DD name you specified in your COBOL program does not match the DD name specified in the JCL.

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