What is Isopathy in homeopathy?

What is Isopathy in homeopathy?

Isopathy is one approach of homeopathy, in which the causative agents or products of a disease are used to treat the same disease. Allergen immunotherapy is the only potential disease-modifying treatment for allergic patients.

Who was the founder of Isopathy?

Isopathy is a therapy derived from homeopathy and was invented by Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux in the 1830s.

What does Isopathy mean?

Isopathy (derived from “isos pathos” or “equal suffering”) refers to the use of the exact substance that causes an illness as a therapeutic tool for that same illness.

What is auxiliary treatment?

A treatment used after failure of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormones as a primary treatment of a tumour to prevent metastases, or for residual malignancy after excision; AT is used after one or more of the conventional therapeutic arms has failed.

What is a Pathic?

-pathic in American English (ˈpæθɪk ) feeling or suffering in a (specified) way or because of a (specified) condition. of or relating to a (specified) approach to disease or treatment. Word origin.

What’s the difference between homeopathy and isopathy?

Isopathy is similar to homeopathy only in that remedies are potentized. However, classical isopathy differs considerably from homeopathy in that the source material is a disease-specific substance, and as such, is more akin to what is now considered a “nosode”.

Who was the first person to use isopathy?

Only a few solitary practitioners continued using isopathic remedies. It was Father Denys Collet, M.D. (1824 – 1909), a French orthodox physician and Dominican friar, who eventually revived isopathy. He and Dr. Lux are considered the primary founders of “Classical Isopathy”.

When did Lux publish his work on isopathy?

In 1833, Lux published his results in a booklet entitled Isopathik der Contagionen, in which he claimed that contagious diseases bear within their pathological phenomena and products their own means of cure. The principle was described thus: the cure of a disease results from administration of a substance which is the product of the same disease.

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