Are there any updates on the status of the train?

Are there any updates on the status of the train?

Train running status updates are much more accurate when it arrives from the GPS of the RailYatri app users. Train status updates from the last stop typically arrive in a delayed fashion. Status running train updates change frequently. So it is recommended that the user check the status updates frequently.

How can I check the live train status?

If you are on a train you can also check live train status being offline by switching to GPS mode for fetching live train status. RailYatri recommends its users to use GPS mode while travelling on train for faster and more precise location.

What does offline Live train status mean on iPhone?

A: Offline live train status means that no internet connection is needed to find the live train status and ETA of train at upcoming station. This needs one time download of the time table or the route on the users phone, post that if the user is on a train then he can find the exact location of train and track the ETA in offline mode as well.

Which is the best app for tracking train status?

Specifically on running train status, RailYatri has most frequent and real-time updates of train location. RailYatri collects train location data in a crowd-sourced manner from the GPS of mobile phones of its users. Thus this data is more precise and real-time. We recommend our users to use app which also works offline if the user is on a train.

What does last reported station mean on train?

The “Last Reported Station” signifies the station based on which the current live train running status is determined. The “Last Reported Station” also conveys that the train has either arrived or departed or crossed that particular station.

How does RailYatri get the location of the train?

RailYatri collects train location data in a crowd-sourced manner from the GPS or Cell-Tower network of mobile phones of its users. Thus this data is more precise and real-time.

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