What are the advantages and disadvantages of contraceptive pills?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contraceptive pills?

it does not interrupt sex. it usually makes your bleeds regular, lighter and less painful. it reduces your risk of cancer of the ovaries, womb and colon. it can reduce symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

What are the disadvantages of using birth control pills?

The most common side effects are spotting or bleeding between periods (this is more common with progestin-only pills), sore breasts, nausea, or headaches. But these usually go away after 2 or 3 months, and they don’t happen to everyone who takes the pill. Birth control shouldn’t make you feel sick or uncomfortable.

What are the side effects of family planning pills?

What are the side effects?

  • Spotting between periods. Breakthrough bleeding, or spotting, refers to when vaginal bleeding occurs between menstrual cycles.
  • Nausea.
  • Breast tenderness.
  • Headaches and migraine.
  • Weight gain.
  • Mood changes.
  • Missed periods.
  • Decreased libido.

What are 2 advantages of the pill?

The birth control pill is a safe, simple, and convenient way to prevent pregnancy. It also has other benefits like reducing acne, making your periods lighter and more regular, and easing menstrual cramps.

What is the side effect of trust pills?

Some women may experience side effects such as headache, gastric upsets, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, changes in appetite, breast tenderness, change in body weight and libido, depressive moods, or interference with liver functions.

Can you get pregnant on birth control pills?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , the pill is 99.7 percent effective with perfect use. This means that less than 1 out of 100 women who take the pill would become pregnant in 1 year. However, with typical use, the effectiveness of the pill is 91 percent.

Does the pill cause weight gain?

It’s often a temporary side effect that’s due to fluid retention, not extra fat. A review of 44 studies showed no evidence that birth control pills caused weight gain in most women. And, as with other possible side effects of the pill, any weight gain is generally minimal and goes away within 2 to 3 months.

Should I still use condoms while on the pill?

Remember, the pill doesn’t protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, so you need to continue to use condoms every time you have sex, especially with new partners, to stay safe.

Are there any side effects to family planning?

Various family planning methods cause different side effects. For example, birth control pills, implants and injections are not recommended for women who smoke or have health complications such as a history of heart disease or breast cancer 6 ⭐

What are the advantages and disadvantages of family planning?

Family planning saves women from the health hazards of unplanned pregnancies or complications resulting from giving birth during vulnerable times. For example, teenage mothers are at a higher risk for anemia, placental complications and high blood pressure, while older mothers are at a higher risk of experiencing placental and bleeding problems.

Why are birth control methods used in family planning?

Family planning makes use of birth control techniques to primarily decide the number of offspring a family will have and the best time to have each one. The decision of which birth control method to use is often based on health concerns, habits, and vital personal preferences like religion.

Which is an example of a family planning method?

Examples of family planning methods include the use of condoms, cervical caps, tubal litigation and birth control pills. While family planning methods offer several benefits to users, they also present a number of disadvantages.

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