How do I create multiple categories in WordPress?

How do I create multiple categories in WordPress?

To create multiple categoried you just have to enter categories separated by commas in ‘Enter categories separated by commas’ field. You can also create the categories as child by selecting parent category in ‘Parent Category’ dropdown.

How do I show multiple categories in WordPress homepage?

In the sidebar, go to Appearance → Widgets, then choose the categories that you want to appear in the sidebar and click Add Widget. When you want to show subcategories in the sidebar, drag and drop categories to a Sidebar. Then check the box next to Show hierarchy in categories widget’s settings and click Save.

Can a WordPress post have multiple categories?

WordPress lets you put a post into multiple categories. This could be several parent categories, or a parent category plus a subcategory or subcategories. Having multiple categories won’t benefit your SEO. You should only assign posts to multiple categories if it makes the most sense for your readers.

Can you have sub categories in WordPress?

In WordPress, your posts can be organized into different categories and tags. You can even create subcategories for further organization. It’s important to use categories and subcategories correctly, so you can help your readers find the content they’re most interested in.

How do I show all categories in WordPress?

$args = array( ‘style’ => ‘none’ ); Finally, you can ask WordPress to display a link to all your categories thanks to the option show_option_all . You give a string to this option, and WordPress will display a new link, pointing to all of your categories.

How do I create a category and sub category in WordPress?

How to Create Subcategories in WordPress (In 3 Steps)

  1. Step 1: Start Editing a Post & Select the Categories Tab. To get started, navigate to the WordPress post that you want to add to a new subcategory.
  2. Step 2: Click on the Add New Category Link.
  3. Step 3: Select a Parent Category for Your WordPress Subcategory.

How many subcategories can you have in WordPress?

By default, WordPress allows you to create a hierachy of up to 3 (sub)categories.

Where to find category templates in WordPress theme?

From the list of theme files on your right, click on category.php, if you do not have a category.php file there, then look for archive.php. If you can’t find either of these templates, there is a good chance that you are using a WordPress Theme Framework and this tutorial may not be useful for you.

How do you create a theme in WordPress?

WordPress has a powerful templating system. You can create a WordPress theme by using different templates for different sections of your website. WordPress looks for a template in a pre-defined hierarchical order when displaying any page. To display a category page, it looks for templates in this order.

What does it mean to have multiple themes in WordPress?

One install of WordPress allows you to have multiple separate Sites (“MultiSite”), each with a different Theme, without using the jonradio Multiple Themes plugin. The sites can look to the outside world as if they are just one web site by using the Sub-directories option.

Where can I find the multiple themes plugin?

Select Themes to be used on the Settings or Advanced Settings tab of the plugin’s Multiple Themes plugin Settings page in the WordPress Admin panels, which is found in both the Appearance and Settings sections.

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