Where is the Blue Trinity in Hollow Bastion?

Where is the Blue Trinity in Hollow Bastion?

Hollow Bastion

Color Area Location
Blue Great Crest After large platform battle
Blue Dungeon In the room to the left after entering the air bubble near and to the right of the save point
Red Entrance Hall, 2nd Level In front of statue
Green Library Second Floor

Where are the Dalmations in Halloweentown?

Page actions

Dalmatians Abilities Needed Chest Location
Traverse Town
Halloween Town
40, 41, 42 Glide On a platform on the left in the Bridge area just before reaching Oogie Boogie’s Manor
64, 65, 66 None A secret doorway to the left of the hovering platform in Moonlight Hill after defeating Oogie Boogie

Where can you find Dalmatians?

Where Can I Adopt a Dalmatian. The easiest way to adopt a Dalmatian would be through a rescue that specializes in Dalmatians. A great place to start would be by starting a breed search on Adopt-a-Pet.com. The search will show you all the available Dalmatians in your area.

Where are the Blue Trinities?

Blue Trinities

World Area Location
Traverse Town First District In the corner next to the world exit.
Third District In the alley running behind the Lady and the Tramp fountain.
Magician’s Study On the floor near the main entrance.
Wonderland Lotus Forest In the alcove to the right where you can give a flower a potion.

Which is the last world in Hollow Bastion?

Hollow Bastion. Hollow Bastion is the last world currently, linked to from Neverland. These levels only hold true if you completed the Interlude and got the massive amount of Power Ups and Defense Ups, making you way stronger then you should be at the above levels.

Where do you collect Emblems in Hollow Bastion?

Use gravity on the chest and claim the Ultima-G. Examine the star and head back into the Library. Take a left and exit through the upper door. You should be on the second level of the hall. Your goal here is to collect four emblem pieces. To do this: – Use the Red Trinity on the inner rim to push the statue over the edge (green bottom piece).

Where do you start in Hollow Bastion Kingdom Hearts?

Hollow Bastion is another world created just for Kingdom Hearts. It’s name means “Empty Fortress”, which is pretty fitting. We start in First District. You might have done this in the Interlude, but in case you forgot, talk to Cid and have him install the new Navi-G piece you got from Neverland.

Where is the power up chest in Hollow Bastion?

– On the bottom level, go into the main doorway at the top of the stairs. Before examining the door, look on the wall on the right side for a small thing you can grab onto. Pull yourself up to the top, then jump across the gap and open the chest for a Power Up.

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