How do I change the speed on my EZ Go TXT?

How do I change the speed on my EZ Go TXT?

Tighten the governor spring located in the engine of most golf carts to adjust your cart’s top speed. 90% of EZ Go Carts have simple springs which limit the speed of the engine. To raise the top speed of your golf cart, all you need to do is locate this spring and tighten it slightly.

How can I make my EZ Go TXT 48 faster?

Increasing the speed of your EZ Go golf cart can be done by reprograming your speed control at the dealer, upgrading your batteries, motor, or replacing your speed control. Upgrading these can increase your typical speed from 12 MPH to 19.5 mph or above depending on your modifications.

How do you adjust the governor on a golf cart?

If you find this rod, then your governor can be easily adjusted by accessing the cart’s inner workings. Simply adjust the cable coming from this metal protrusion, turning the nut counterclockwise to make the cable longer, effectively adjusting the cart’s governance to increase the overall speed.

How do you take the governor off a EZ Go golf cart?


  1. Detach the cable from the carburetor. The cable is about the width of a straw.
  2. Follow the disconnected cable down up to the governor.
  3. Disconnect the gas pedal cable from the governor and reroute it to the carburetor.
  4. Using your wrench, remove the bolt on the gas pedal shaft.

How can I make my EZ GO TXT 36 volt faster?

How to Make a 36 Volt Golf Cart Faster

  1. Remove any unnecessary additions, racks or parts on your golf cart.
  2. Power-wash your cart.
  3. Check the shaft under the ignition pedal.
  4. Put larger tires on the cart.
  5. Replace any old or worn-out parts that are causing the cart to move slower than it should.

How can I speed up my EZ Go golf cart?

One way to increase the speed of EZ Go golf carts is to incorporate an octane booster when you fill the tank. The cart will have more pick-up, and it could gain as much as 5 mph. A different approach is to take out the throttle linkage governor on the carburetor.

Where is the governor on an EZGO golf cart?

There is no governor in an electric golf cart. Most EZGO golf carts have four-stroke engines. However, there are a few carts with other types of engines. The governor adjustment process is different for both types of engines. Locate the governor arm of the golf cart. This is mounted above the rear axle housing and under the cart.

How long does it take to change the governor on an EZGO?

With governor adjustment, the EZGO cart can go faster by 5 to 10mph. In other words, the 15mph speed can be raised to 22mph with the adjustment. It usually takes only five minutes to get the adjustment done.

How to adjust the top speed of an EZ GO golf cart?

Adjusting the Common 4-Stroke Engine 1 Tighten the governor spring located in the engine of most golf carts to adjust your cart’s top speed. 90% of EZ Go Carts have simple springs which limit the speed of the engine. To raise the top speed of your golf cart, all you need to do is locate this spring and tighten it slightly.

How to adjust the throttle on an EZGO TXT?

The throttle adjustment for 1996 to 2003 model EZGO TXT golf carts can be done as given below. Ensure that the throttle plate is closed fully and the governor arm is rotated in the counter-clockwise direction completely.

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