How do you read ch?

How do you read ch?

In English, ch is most commonly pronounced as [tʃ], as in chalk, cheese, cherry, church, much, etc. Ch can also be pronounced as [k], as in ache, choir, school and stomach. Most words with this pronunciation of ch find their origin in Greek words with the letter chi, like mechanics, chemistry and character.

What things start with CH?


  • chafe.
  • chaff.
  • chain.
  • chair.
  • chais.
  • chalk.
  • champ.
  • What are the three sounds of CH?

    The 3 “ch” sounds: sh, tch, k.

    What are Phonogram words and what are they used for?

    Phonograms. Phonograms are exceptions to the pure phonetic words. Here are word lists that contain phonogram words. These lists can be used for reading, writing and spelling exercises. Also, ing words can be introduced. You can easily introduce these words if they describe something that is a part of your child’s environment.

    Can a 4 year old write a phonogram word?

    Phonogram words are exceptions to phonetic words. Here are word lists that contain phonogram words. These lists can be used for reading, writing and spelling exercises. 4 and 5 year old children can handle double consonants, such as ck, ss, ff, and so on. Also, ing words can be introduced.

    When is the best time to learn the CH Phonogram?

    Christmas is the perfect time to learn and practice the ‘ch’ phonogram. After all, most of your work is done for you. Everywhere you go, there will be environmental print with Christmas ads, Christmas greetings, and Christmas posters. As you know, Raising Robust Readers teaches all the sounds of each phonogram.

    What do you call the sounds of Ch?

    ch Stationery chain, chair, chalk, chance, change, chant, chap, charm, chart, chase, chat, cheap, check, cheek, cheer, cheese, chest, chew, chick, child, chili, chin, chip, chirp, choice Write sentences or a story with ch words of your choice. Cherry Carl, 2012

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