What does a CNOT gate do?

What does a CNOT gate do?

Expressed in basis states, the CNOT gate: leaves the control qubit unchanged and performs a Pauli-X gate on the target qubit when the control qubit is in state ∣1⟩; leaves the target qubit unchanged when the control qubit is in state ∣0⟩.

What is Rx gate?

The Rx gate is one of the Rotation operators. The Rx gate is a single-qubit rotation through angle θ (radians) around the x-axis.

Is the CNOT gate universal?

The CNOT together with the Hadamard gate and all phase gates form an infinite universal set of gates, i.e. if the CNOT gate as well as the Hadamard and all phase gates are available then any n-qubit unitary operation can be simulated exactly with O(4nn) such gates.

What does C NOT gate do?

In computer science, the controlled NOT gate (also C-NOT or CNOT) is a quantum logic gate that is an essential component in the construction of a gate-based quantum computer. It can be used to entangle and disentangle Bell states.

Which gate is not the quantum logic gate?

Pauli X-gate
And a simple operation: negation. This is only natural, because the Pauli X-gate corresponds to a classical NOT gate. For this reason, the X-gate is often called the quantum NOT gate as well.

How many Clifford gates are there?

Generators of the Clifford group The Clifford group is generated by three gates, Hadamard, CNOT, and the S gates.

Why do quantum gates have to be reversible?

One of the primary reasons as to why quantum computers must be reversible is as follows: How quantum computations occur is that quantum gates are applied to quantum states. This means that every operation on a normalized quantum state must keep the sum of probabilities of all possible outcomes at exactly 1.

Are all quantum gates unitary?

All gates in quantum computing, with the exception of measurement and reset operations, can be represented by unitary matrices. Another consequence of unitarity is that it preserves the inner product between two arbitrary states.


The classical analog of the CNOT gate is a reversible XOR gate.

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