What does the expression the cat is in the bag mean?

What does the expression the cat is in the bag mean?

When you use the expression ‘In the Bag’ you mean that something has been secured to the point where it is almost in your possession.

Where did half in the bag come from?

This a guess. When one buys liquor, the clerk usually puts it one of those little bags. And if a person is wanting to be discrete while taking a drink in public, he leaves the bag on. In West Virginia, liquor used to only be sold in “state stores,” also called “bag stores.”

Is the cat out of the bag?

Some secret or surprise has been revealed or exposed. Well, we were going to keep this project a secret until we were a little further along in development, but I guess the cat is out of the bag now.

What does three sheets to the wind mean?

To be “three sheets to the wind” is to be drunk. The sheet is the line that controls the sails on a ship. If the line is not secured, the sail flops in the wind, and the ship loses headway and control. If all three sails are loose, the ship is out of control.

What does two sheets to the wind mean?

slang Extremely drunk. Most likely derived from nautical terminology, in which a “sheet” is the rope that controls the sails of a tall ship; if several sheets are loose or mishandled, the boat’s movement becomes unsteady and difficult to control, like that of a drunk person.

What is the meaning it’s raining cats and dogs?

“Cats and dogs” may come from the Greek expression cata doxa, which means “contrary to experience or belief.” If it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard. “Cats and dogs” may be a perversion of the now obsolete word catadupe. In old English, catadupe meant a cataract or waterfall.

Has a cat got your tongue?

‘ cat / cat’s got your tongue: an expression that is used when someone is quiet and isn’t talking or responding when you expect them to. Notes: It isn’t clear exactly where this idiom originated but it’s obvious that it would be difficult to speak if a cat did get your tongue!

What does drunk as a skunk mean?

extremely drunk
Definition of (as) drunk as a skunk US. : extremely drunk.

What does not for all the tea in China mean?

Not at any price, never, as in I wouldn’t give up my car, not for all the tea in China. This term originated in Australia and alludes to the presumed huge quantity of tea in China. [Late 1800s] Also see for all the world; not for love or money.

Why was the cat kept in a leather bag?

The whip’s nine knotted cords could scratch an undisciplined sailor’s back badly, hence its feline nickname. The bag comes into play because the cat, being made of leather, had to be kept in a sack to protect it from drying out in the salty sea air and keep it flexible.

Where does the phrase ” Let the cat out of the bag ” come from?

The most popular explanation for why we say “let the cat out of the bag” dates back to the Middle Ages. As the story goes, shady livestock vendors in medieval marketplaces sought to swindle their buyers. When someone would purchase a pig, the vendor would sneak a cat into the bag instead, cheating the buyer out of the higher price for a pig.

What’s the game in Cat in a bag?

One of the men rapes Lucky, and at the same time the white woman has tossed Chester into a pillowcase and plays a game she calls “Cat in a Bag.” This “game” consists of swinging the bag around wildly and tossing it around the room — with baby Chester inside.

Where did the saying ” Once in a bag ” come from?

Much like a cat that was once trapped in a bag, once that secret is out, it’s never going to go back into that bag again. The first recorded use of this phrase comes from a book review in a 1760 edition of London Magazine (which is still published today).

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