What does a loach eat?

What does a loach eat?

They enjoy frozen, dry, or live food, and they might not be fussy, but they do prefer a meat-based diet. If you want to go for dry food, flakes and pellets are good because they will sink down to the substrate and will be easily eaten by loaches. They love Daphnia, Bloodworms, Microworms, and Grindal Worms.

How often do you feed loaches?

More videos on YouTube

Food How Often How Much
Flake Food 3 Times a day Enough to consume in 90 Seconds
Pellets 3 Times a week 1-2 Mini Pellets Per Fish
Bloodworms – live 2 Times a week 1/4 Teaspoon of worms per fish
Bloodworm – Freeze Dried 2 Times a week Small Pinch

What vegetables do loaches eat?

I’ve tried watermelon, strawberries, peas (deshelled and snow peas), cucumber, zucchini, carrots, mango and they love it all!! The weather loach is omnivorous, so try some, cockle, mussle, mealworm, bloodworm and earthworm as part of the diet. that their food preference was worms.

Do loaches like algae wafers?

1 of 1 found this helpful. Do you? Yes, they can eat algae wafers; the main thing clown loaches can do is to eat any nasty snails you have in the tank that you don’t want–like those little brown ones that breed like crazy and take over the tank and get it filthy.

How big do loaches get?

Most of the loaches are not very large, being only a few inches, but there are exceptions with a few of the Botia reaching over 12″ (30 cm) and the exceptionally large Royal Clown Loach which can reach up to 20″ (50 cm).

How often should I clean my fish tank?

Depending on how many fish you have, and how messy they are, most tanks require cleaning about once every two weeks. Cleaning should involve: ✔ Siphoning the gravel to remove any debris and uneaten food, and changing about 10-15% of the water.

Do loaches eat cucumber?

Re: how to feed yoyo loaches cucumber It can be screwed into cucumber, courgette/zucchini etc. Recommended.

Do loaches eat zucchini?

I put a slice of zucchini in my tank hoping my 3 yoyo loaches would enjoy a nice treat, my long finned rosy barbs decided it was the best thing they’ve ever eaten! Finally after about 15 minutes my loaches stuck their noses in for a taste.

What to feed hillstream loaches?

Hillstream loaches need a varied diet. They will naturally browse on benthic algae that contains aufwuchs, but supplement this with such as cucumber, courgette, blanched spinach, plus meaty foods such as bloodworm , white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, Daphnia and small sinking pellet foods.

Do loach eat algae of the tank?

Although Hillstream loaches are sold as algae eaters they are not algae eaters like plecos are. They mainly eat the microscopic critters that grow in algae. they also like shrimp pellets and algae wafers if your lucky. They can be hard to persuade to eat. They also do better if they are in groups. They like most loaches are social beings and enjoy scuffling with each other and chasing around the tank.

Do Kuhli loaches eat shrimp?

A kuhli loach will eat small shrimp though in my experience they don’t touch the snails. Pangio loaches (kuhli like) usually are micropredators and will eat small organisms. The botia loaches are the ones that will take care of snails.

What do Kuhli loaches eat?

These fish are classed as carnivores which means that they mainly eat meaty foods. However, Kuhli loach should be fed a balanced diet of live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Standard flake fish foods do not contain all the nutrients they need.

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