What kind of apples are in Aomori?

What kind of apples are in Aomori?

Aomori’s greatest production is of the Fuji variety, which is grown in the area centered on Hirosaki known as the Tsugaru region. Fuji apples have a moderate acidity with a pleasant crunchy texture. The taste of fresh apple juice will really open your eyes, too.

What is Aomori Japan known for?

Aomori prefecture is the northernmost prefecture in Japan’s Tohoku region, commanding a vast coastline stretching out north, east, and west. Aomori is known for its abundant nature, apple production, and its summertime Nebuta festivals – considered the best of all the summer Tohoku festivals.

What kind of apples grow in Japan?

List of Japanese apple cultivars

  • Akane which is named for the word Akane (meaning deep red). Sansa.
  • Fuji which is named after Fujisaki, Aomori. Yataka Fuji. Daybreak Fuji. Yahagi.
  • Mutsu or Crispin which is named after the Mutsu Province. Shizuka.
  • Orin.
  • Shinano Sweet.
  • Tsugaru.
  • Toki.

Were there apples in Japan?

Widespread cultivation of apples in Japan began in the Meiji Period (1868-1912). Today it is one of the most popular fruits in Japan, and one of the few fruits that are exported overseas in large quantities. In Japan, apples are generally eaten raw after peeling. They are in season during autumn and early winter.

What is an Orin apple?

Orin is an apple variety that dates back to 1952, when it was bred in Aomori, Japan. The apples are large, oblong, and yellow in color. The flesh is pale yellow and aromatic, while the flavors are sweet with a hint of pear and pineapple. The texture of the flesh is juicy.

What is a Japanese honey apple?

Watercore appears as yellowish glassiness of the fruit flesh around the core of the apple. It is called “Mitsu” or honey in Japanese because it resembles the color of honey. These apples are popular for their exquisite taste. They are valued as delicious apples and widely accepted in Japan.

Why is Aomori unique?

Aomori is a popular sightseeing destination located in the northernmost part of Japan’s main island of Honshu. Famous for its apples and seafood dishes, Aomori is a fun place to visit, especially with family.

What is there to do in Aomori in December?

We have selected four activities that you can only enjoy in Aomori during winter.

  • Warm Up by the Stove on Tsugaru Trains. The stove installed in the car.
  • See White Frost Covered Trees in Hakkōda.
  • Snow Hiking at the World Natural Heritage Site Shirakamisanchi – Jūniko.
  • The Delicious Winter Cuisine in Cold Shimokita Peninsula.

Why are Japanese apples so expensive?

Japanese Fruits are Expensive Due to the Farmers’ Dedication. The farmers put in a lot of efforts to create the fruits. And to do that they create special environments so that the fruits get the best care and grow perfectly. Let’s dig a little deeper to understand how farmers grow these fruits.

What is the name of Japanese apples?

The Fuji apple is an apple cultivar developed by growers at Tohoku Research Station (農林省園芸試験場東北支場) in Fujisaki, Aomori, Japan, in the late 1930s, and brought to market in 1962….Fuji (apple)

Malus pumila, Fuji
Species M. pumila
Hybrid parentage Red Delicious × Ralls Janet
Cultivar Fuji
Origin Fujisaki, Aomori (1930s)

What is the native fruit of Japan?

Fuyu. “Fuyu” is a type of sweet persimmon which comes in season from late October. The flesh is soft, juicy and very sweet. This is the most-produced persimmon variety in Japan.

Where do apple trees in Aomori Prefecture come from?

The apples will be sent to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in Fukuoka, home to 6,000 plum trees, where the apples will be gifted to the gods. Aomori, the northernmost prefecture on Japan’s main island of Honshu, produces more than half of Japan’s apple market.

Where are the most apples grown in Japan?

For the Japanese, Aomori conjures images of apples. It produces the most apples in Japan, of course, but it’s also distinguished from other prefectures by the flavor and varieties of its apples. Aomori’s greatest production is of the Fuji variety, which is grown in the area centered on Hirosaki known as the Tsugaru region.

When is the apple picking season in Aomori?

Aomori is home to a lot of apple farmers, and apple-picking also thrives here. The apple-picking season is early July to November. At some farms, you can pick your own apples and compare varieties from among the dozens of trees cultivated. Varieties include Fuji, Tsugaru, Mutsu, Kitakurenai—you’ll be astonished how different the tastes can be.

What’s the price of a crate of Aomori apples?

Apple farmers watch the proceedings so they know how their apples are being priced. The Fuji apples are selling for ¥6,000 per crate; the Orin for ¥4,000. Seventy percent of the apples will be sold in Japan, with the remaining being sent to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia and elsewhere where the Aomori brand is premium.

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