What is bench alignment?

What is bench alignment?

Bench alignment, which is the assembly of the. various components can be done without the aid. of any special devices. The other two procedures. require the aid of a device or devices if optimum placement of the components is to be achieved.

What is prosthetic alignment?

Alignment of a prosthesis is defined as the position of the socket relative to the other prosthetic components of the limb. During dynamic alignment the prosthetist, using subjective judgment and feedback from the patient, aims to achieve the most suitable limb geometry for best function and comfort.

What is static and dynamic alignment?

Static alignment gives us the opportunity to correct issues such as soft foot, gross misalignment and to bring the system to within specifications. Dynamic alignment is the condition of the machinery during sustained operation.

What is a static alignment?

Static alignment is the condition of the machinery at rest (think of the alignment we perform when the equipment is first installed). Static alignment gives us the opportunity to correct issues such as soft foot, gross misalignment and to bring the system to within specifications.

How do you align a trans femoral Cup?

alignment of the trans-femoral cup 4Cover the mould with nylon. Fix the nail at the bottom of the mould, where the cup will be attached. Place the TF mould on the CR alignment jig; align according to the instructions on the use of the jig (separate manual). Make the alignment in accordance with the measurement card.

How to align a foot with a prosthetic?

1To make the load line visible, the amputee (with shoes) stands on the L.A.S.A.R. Posture with the prosthetic side on the force plate and with the other leg on the height compensation panel. The prosthetic side should at least be loaded with 35 % of the body weight. 2Now adapt the alignment by only adjusting the plantar flexion of the foot.

Which is the reference point for knee alignment?

3Position the alignment reference point (for mono- centric knee joints = rotation axis; for polycentric knee joints = anterior upper axis) in relation to the alignment reference line in accordance with the alignment recommendation of the knee joint.

How is a trans-femoral prosthesis socket made?

There are two ways of manufacturing a total-contact trans-femoral socket: 1. By the same procedure as for a conventional TF; 2. By welding the conical cup directly under the PP socket. ICRC Physical Rehabilitation Programme Manufacturing Guidelines Trans-Femoral Prosthesis

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