What does the Autism Society of North Carolina do?

What does the Autism Society of North Carolina do?

The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports their families, and educates communities. Social Recreation. Register now for afterschool programs, adult programs, and other year-round programs at Camp Royall and other Social Recreation sites across the state.

What can the Autism Society do for You?

The Autism Society has put together a digital toolkit of resources, information, and guides to help individuals and families affected by autism find gainful and meaningful employment. Autism Society has partnered with the ICI to create resources for higher education, workforce development,…

What is the Autism Society of America Bill?

The Autism Society of America is thrilled to learn that President Trump has signed H.R. 1058. This bill reauthorizes and improves the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, and Supports (CARES) Act for another five years. Get the most recent updates from the Autism Society!

How many people are supported by the Autism Society?

Local and state affiliates are the primary source through which the Autism Society helps individuals and families throughout the United States. Annually, our network supports over 600,000 people with autism through education, advocacy, information & referrals, supports, and community at the national, state, and local levels.


When does Autism Society of Cumberland County meet?

Monthly Meetings and Parent Education Presentation are offered September through May, except in December. The ASCC offers two workshops which are led by Amy Perry Sparks, Autism Society of NC Autism Resource Specialist.

Are there support groups for people with autism?

Providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families. The ASCC’s monthly support groups are open to parents, professionals, and anyone who wishes to attend.

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