What is a good IQ percentile?

What is a good IQ percentile?

What does IQ mean? IQ distribution. IQ percentile….Current Wechsler (WAIS–IV, WPPSI–IV) IQ classification.

IQ Range (“deviation IQ”) IQ Classification More value-neutral terms*
120–129 Superior Well above average
110–119 High Average High average
90–109 Average Average
80–89 Low Average Low average

What is the top 1 percentile of IQ?

The top 1 percent to . 01 percent includes people with IQs that range from 137 to 160. Those in this range are in the upper echelons of the STEM professions, such as elite engineers, programmers, or computer science professors, and top lawyers, politicians, journalists and academics who have a more verbal bent.

What percentile is a 138 IQ?

IQ Percentile and Rarity Chart

IQ 15 SD Percentile Rarity: 1/X
138 99.4350805958% 177
137 99.3181130218% 147
136 99.1802471131% 122
135 99.0184693146% 102

Is 95 a good IQ?

Anyway, Research Maniacs’ interpretation may give you an indication of what your 95 IQ score means. Furthermore, people have different abilities and gifts beyond their brain power. A person’s IQ of 95 does not indicate if that person is good, bad, better or worse than anyone else.

What is the maximum score on an IQ test?

The highest possible IQ score is 228, since one person has actually achieved that score, but using newer scoring methods based on the “six-sigma” normal curve, the highest possible score is about 180.

What is the top 1% IQ?

In IQ, 99th percentile, or top 1% is IQ 134.8952, or IQ 135 rounded-off (137.2216 / 137 rounded-off for SD16).

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