How can we increase the accuracy of a spherometer?

How can we increase the accuracy of a spherometer?

The accuracy of the spherometer can be increased by decreasing the pitch or by increasing the number of divisions of circular scale.

What is the aim of spherometer?

A spherometer is an instrument used for the precise measurement of the radius of curvature of a sphere or a curved surface. Originally, these instruments were primarily used by opticians to measure the curvature of the surface of a lens.

What is the order of accuracy of a spherometer?

The measuring accuracy is directly traceable to NIST standards. The supporting balls are also concentrically positioned with an extreme accuracy of less than 1 micron (0.00004“).

What is the zero correction for a spherometer?

What is the zero correction for a spherometer? No zero correction.

Which of these Cannot be measured using a spherometer?

Answer: No the radius of curvature of wrist watch glass cannot be measured by using a spherometer. Explanation: A spherometer is an instrument used for precise measurement of the radius of curvature of a sphere or a curved surface.

What is the zero correction for a spherometer 1 point negative may be positive or negative positive no zero correction?

What is the least count of the spherometer? What is the zero correction for a spherometer? No zero correction.

Does spherometer have zero error?

A spherometer does not have a zero error because the result obtained is by taking the difference between the final and initial reading.

How do students know the working of A spherometer?

Students know the working of a spherometer. Students know the least count of spherometer. They know the equations for thickness of glass plate and radius of curvature of the concave surface. Raise the central screw of the spherometer and press the spectrometer gently on a sheet of paper so as to get the pin pricks of the three legs.

How does the spherometer read the pitch scale?

The convex surface is placed on the plane glass sheet. Then the spherometer is placed over the convex surface so that its three legs rest on the convex surface. The central screw is rotated slowly, downwards till its tip just touches the convex surface. The head scale reading coinciding with the pitch scale is noted.

How do you measure the distance between the legs of A spherometer?

To find the distance between the legs of the Spherometer Raise the central screw of the spherometer and press the spectrometer gently on a sheet of paper so as to get the pin pricks of the three legs. Measure the distance between the pricks by joining the points as to form a triangle.

Which is a source of error in the spherometer experiment?

Sources of Errors. By spherometer we find R of front surface of the mirror. But its back surface is polished. Since l is very small, an error in it causes large percentage error in the result. Back-lash error is eliminated only by the weight of the spherometer. Since it is a small weight, back-lash error may be only partially eliminated by it.

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