How do you use TestLodge?

How do you use TestLodge?

Go to the Test Runs tab to create a test run. Here, you can assign the test run to a user, associate the test run with a test plan, and select with test suites to include. TestLodge also allows you to set ‘test configurations’. You can think of test configurations as different variations of the tests you need to run.

How do you write a functional test case?

These are the steps you should follow when writing functional test cases:

  1. Determine what areas need to be covered.
  2. Working in a doc or spreadsheet, list all functions and features.
  3. Explore the product to determine if any tests can be separated or combined.
  4. Write each individual test case.
  5. Assign the test cases to testers.

How do you organize test cases?

The best and simple way to organize your test document is by splitting it into many single useful sections. Divide the entire testing into multiple test scenarios. Then divide each scenario into multiple tests. Finally, divide each case into multiple test steps.

How do you organize a software tester?

7 Golden Tips to Organize Your Software Tests, Right from the Beginning

  1. Make sure that the environment for testing is set-up correctly and you have access to test artifacts.
  2. Set up the right tools for the product you are testing.
  3. Do not start to test from day one on the project.

What do you need to know about testlodge?

TestLodge is a cloud-based test case management tool used for Project Management and test management. It simplifies the testing process. It provides an easy way to organize, collaborate, and track the progress of tests. This tool is used to write and manage test plans as well test cases.

Where can I get free trial of testlodge?

TestLodge provides 30-days free trials to email, access to unlimited users, with basic features. It has other plans as well with different advanced features and add-ins. Cost depends on different plans. Visit and click Pricing & Sign Up.

Who is the CEO of

TestLodge CEO is Scott Sherwood. TestLodge is a cloud-based tool and supports all browsers especially Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc. It supports different Windows OS such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc. It can be integrated with many other tools – JIRA, Mantis, Bugzilla, FogBugz, Version One, GitHub, codebase, TFS, etc.

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