What is the main reason of wastage in school?

What is the main reason of wastage in school?

Causes of Wastage: They do not enjoy adequate social facilities, because of their social set-up. They are reluctant in keeping their children in schools. (ii) Some of the parents are illiterate and as such do not understand the importance of education. They are prejudiced and steeped deep in ignorance.

What are the causes of wastage and stagnation?

In short, dull and unattractive schools, incomplete schools, inefficient and poor quality of teachers, defective examinations, uninteresting curricula, lack of proper parental attitude, absence of school health services and school mid-day meals are responsible for much of wastage and stagnation in schools.

What are the causes for wastage and stagnation in secondary school?

Causes of Wastage and Stagnation. 1. Socio-economic – Poverty, inequality of sexes, illiteracy, rampant superstitions, conservative attitudes are some of the main causes for drop-outs. Paucity of funds and their improper distribution also aggravate the problem as higher classes may not be added to the school.

What are the reason for wastage?

Food is lost or wasted for a variety of reasons: bad weather, processing problems, overproduction and unstable markets cause food loss long before it arrives in a grocery store, while overbuying, poor planning and confusion over labels and safety contribute to food waste at stores and in homes.

What is wastage education?

Educational wastage is an economic term defined as the total number of pupil-years spent by repeaters and dropouts. Wide differences in the rates and dispersions of educational wastage between countries suggest that each nation will have to formulate its own policy to eliminate primary-school wastage in the future.

What are the causes of wastage and stagnation at the stage of secondary education?

What are the causes of wastage and stagnation at primary level?

What are the primary causes of food wastage around the world?

Various Causes of Food Waste

  • Lack of appropriate planning.
  • Purchase and preparation of too much food.
  • Errors in industrial processing and keeping up with food safety policies.
  • Managerial, financial and technical constraints.
  • Over-preparation of food in restaurants, hotels and the foodservice industry.

How do we create waste?

Wastes may be generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities.

What are the causes of wastage?

6.1. Causes of Wastage

Cause of wastage F.I I.I
Waste resulting from poor packaging 67.59 44.14
Leftover material on site 66.15 43.67
Wrong handling of materials 65.13 42.61
Poor quality of materials 64.25 41.84

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