Is this an Orient or the Longman publication?

Is this an Orient or the Longman publication?

(formerly Orient Longman India, commonly referred to as Orient Longman), is an Indian publishing house headquartered in Hyderabad, Telangana….Orient Blackswan.

Status Active
Publication types Books and academic journals
Nonfiction topics Humanities, social science, behavioral science, education
Owner(s) J. Rameshwar Rao

How do I publish with Orient BlackSwan?

email us at [email protected], or use the form below to contact us. Navigate to the webpage of the book you would like to order. Click on the Add to Cart button. You will be asked to provide shipping country since we may not have territorial rights to distribute the title you require to the country you want.

How do I download Orient BlackSwan books?

  1. Downloading the Orient BlackSwan Smart App. Go to the Orient BlackSwan Smart App page here.
  2. Installing the App. Click on the “Install” button on the Google Play Store.
  3. Opening the App. Open the app on your phone/tablet by tapping on the app.
  4. Registering on the App.
  5. Downloading Books.
  6. Viewing Your Books.
  7. Enjoy your book!

How do I log into Orient BlackSwan?

After successful registration, you can click on the Login link/button to login or you can login in the following URL: You will also receive an email containing account Login credentials.

How do I download Orient blackswan app on PC?

Go to to download the latest version of the app from the Google Play Store as well as the Windows app store. Follow the download instructions provided on the page.

What is postal code of Orient blackswan?

1/24, Asaf Ali Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi, Delhi, India – 110002.

Who was on the Board of Orient Longman?

Rao retained the majority holding till 1984. The company’s board included Khushwant Singh and the Patwardhans of Pune. The “Indianisation” of Orient Longman’s management during this period was also reflected in its product, where Indian writers found an increasingly prominent place.

What kind of books does Orient Blackswan publish?

The company publishes academic, professional and general works as well as school textbooks, of which the “Gulmohar” series of English-language schools books grew popular. It also publishes low cost reprints of foreign titles.

When did Orient Longman change its name to Orient Blackswan?

In 2006, the Pearson Education group, which holds a minority stake in Orient Longman as well as the rights to the “Longman” brand worldwide, sued Orient Longman asserting its claim on the brand. In 2008, Orient Longman agreed to drop the “Longman” suffix in an out-of-court settlement, and the company was renamed Orient Blackswan.

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