How can I find out what crime is in my area?
The ADT interactive crime map helps you understand as much as possible about potential crime in your city or neighborhood. Search local crime maps by zip code or any U.S. street address. Skip to main content
Which is the most visited crime mapping website?
As the most visited crime mapping website, SpotCrime allows you to easily look up city and county crime data and reports — all the way down to local neighborhood statistics.
Where can I find arrest news in California?
If a match is found, you will be contacted directly by the attorney (s). Local Crime News is California’s dedicated resource for arrest news. We have reporters throughout all of California collecting arrest news which is gathered and published daily.
How does SpotCrime help you find a crime?
We also analyze crime trends in your neighborhood and allow you to search for crime near any address. SpotCrime is 100% independent. With free access to basic crime alerts we hope to encourage public trust, increase police transparency, and promote public safety.
Is there a crime risk report for every address?
NeighborhoodScout Crime Risk Reports provide an instant, objective assessment of property and violent crime risks and rates for every U.S. address and neighborhood. We offer seamless national coverage and up to 90% accuracy.
Do you receive notifications of availability?
You will only be notified of availability as you requested. You will not receive any other notices based on this. Use my current location or Occurring in the last weekthe last monththe last 3 months Which crime types would you like to seach for? Violent Crimes Property Crimes Social Crimes allnone Email
What are the sources for the crime reports?
The sources for the “crime” reports on our maps and website are police incident reports and other news sources. The alleged perpetrators have not necessarily been tried or found guilty of any crime.
Where does MyLocalCrime get its data from?
MyLocalCrime has coverage across most of the US, UK, and parts of Canada. Crime data is provided by So I actually didn’t that there WAS crime near me. At first I saw all the crime and then I saw the the date and it is 5 months late. You really need to fix this bug in your app. Thank you for your time.
What can I do with the mylocal crime app?
MyLocalCrime is a free crime map with near real time crime data in your city down to the neighborhood and block level. Stay aware of the crime happening in your area with MyLocalCrime. Safety begins with knowing. Make sure to sign up for the free daily and weekly crime email alerts!
Why do we need an interactive crime map?
Understanding the community you live in or travel to can be key to staying as safe as possible under any circumstances. Our interactive crime map has been designed to give you as much up-to-date information on crime statistics as possible. See the results for yourself by exploring the map.