What is inside the Chartres Cathedral?

What is inside the Chartres Cathedral?

Interior of Chartres Cathedral, France. The cathedral contains an immense amount of sculpture, particularly figure sculpture, ranging from large column statues to miniatures. As the purpose of the sculptures was to preach and instruct, they mainly depict scenes and figures from the Old and New Testaments.

What style of architecture is Chartres Cathedral?

Gothic architecture
Romanesque architectureFrench Gothic architectureHigh Gothic
Chartres Cathedral/Architectural styles

What is the characteristics of cathedral of Chartres?

One of the most distinctive features of Chartres Cathedral is the stained glass, both for its quantity and quality. There are 167 windows, including rose windows, round oculi, and tall, pointed lancet windows.

Why is the Chartres Cathedral considered Gothic architecture?

Chartres Cathedral is one of the chief examples of Gothic architecture. Because it was built in the early years of the period, it does bear some influence from the earlier Romanesque period. The west face, for example, bears tall, thin Gothic windows that are topped with nearly round Romanesque arches.

Who built the Chartres Cathedral?

Bishop Fulbert
Tenacious Bishop Fulbert built the lower church in Romanesque style from 1020 to 1024, still visible today. The consecration of the new Romanesque cathedral took place on 7 October 1037, after Fulbert’s death.

What is so remarkable about the Chartres Cathedral Stained Glass?

What is so remarkable about the Chartres Cathedral’s stained glass? Of the 176 windows, it is remarkable considering all the damage they could have due to natural wear, wars and other elements. The Cathedral is massive, one of the largest in Italy, and it’s done was the largest in the world for many years.

How big is the nave of the Chartres Cathedral?

All the light is filtered through stained glass, so that the whole experience of visiting the Chartres Cathedral seems out of this world. The interior of the Chartres cathedral is remarkable. The nave, wider than that of any other cathedral in France (52 feet, or 16 meters), is in the purest 13th-century ogival style.

Who are the Friends of the Chartres Cathedral?

These are the Friends of the Cathedral, Chartres Sanctuaire du Monde, and American Friends of Chartres, who are currently supporting the restoration of the Saint-Piat windows and the choir. While ever beautiful to the eye, the cathedral and its decor have not yet finished revealing many surprises to us as the restoration campaigns proceed.

Why was the Notre Dame de Chartres important?

FRANCE Notre-Dame de Chartres Cathedral The Chartres Cathedral is a milestone in the development of Western architecture because it employs all the structural elements of the new Gothic architecture: the pointed arch; the rib-and-panel vault; and, most significantly, the flying buttress.

How many stained glass windows are in Chartres Cathedral?

Chartres Cathedral contains 176 stained-glass windows, the feature for which it may be best known. Like the sculpture, the stained glass was intended to be educational. The five windows of the choir hemicycle (a semicircular arrangement) relate in various ways to the Virgin Mary.

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