Who is the Minister for heritage NSW?

Who is the Minister for heritage NSW?

Don Harwin MLC
The current Minister for Heritage (New South Wales) is Don Harwin MLC, who is also Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, Special Minister of State, Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts, and Vice-President of the Executive Council.

What is a heritage listed house?

Know what it really means if a property is heritage listed If something is heritage protected, it means that it has environmental or cultural significance and needs to be preserved for future generations. A building can have local, State, national or even world significance.

What is a heritage item?

A heritage item is any cultural item, including any archaeological item, archive, book, estate record, manuscript or painting. It can also be a collection of these items. To import it into the State would significantly enhance the country’s cultural heritage.

How can I find out if something is heritage in NSW?

Section 170 Registers, list items under the care, control and management of NSW state agencies. For more information on items listed on the Commonwealth Heritage List contact the Australian Heritage Council. To find out if an item or place is heritage listed, search the State Heritage Inventory .

Who is responsible for heritage inventory in NSW?

Heritage and conservation register items are managed by NSW government agencies (e.g. Transport, Education, Health departments) under section 170 of the Heritage Act 1977. These items are also listed on the State Heritage Inventory. You may wish to contact Heritage NSW for clarification of any such items and the state agency responsible for them.

How are natural heritage items protected in NSW?

These items are also listed on the State Heritage Inventory. You may wish to contact Heritage NSW for clarification of any such items and the state agency responsible for them. Natural heritage is generally identified and protected through national or state parks legislation.

How are heritage items listed in local councils?

Local heritage items and heritage conservation areas are listed on a local council’s Local Environment Plan (LEP) heritage schedule. This covers most of the 20,000 heritage items in NSW and are listed on the State Heritage Inventory. These are managed by local councils in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

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