How do I talk to ATC approach?

How do I talk to ATC approach?

Simply call on the frequency you are given, state your call sign and position, and the words “request flight following.” If the Center controller can work you, he’ll give you a transponder code and information on other radar-identified traffic around you.

What is ATC approach?

A visual approach is an ATC authorization for an aircraft on an IFR flight plan to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport of intended landing.

Is legal?

13.4 The Services are owned or licensed by and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.

How do aircraft communicate with ATC?

The most common form of communication in aviation, very high frequency (VHF) radio calls are what we use for around 95% of our communications with ATC. In simplified terms, the transmitting station sends a signal that travels in a straight line and is picked up by the receiving station.

Can ATC offer you a contact approach?

Only pilots may initiate a request for this type of approach, as regulations prohibit air traffic control (ATC) from asking pilots to perform them. In the execution of a contact approach, the pilot is responsible for obstruction clearance, but ATC will still provide separation from other IFR or special VFR traffic.

Are ATC communications recorded?

a. Air traffic facilities shall record operational communications to the maximum extent practicable.

Are all ATC communications recorded?

Yes: Many publicly available accident/incident reports contain communication transcripts; some of those will contain aircraft tracks, too.

What do you need to know about SoCal approach?

Initially, your communication is with tower and ground controllers and other pilots in the practice area or at a non-towered airports. Once you start going to an airport besides those in the immediate area, you will want or need to talk with SoCal Approach. What is SoCal Approach?

Is there an archive for the ATC feed?

1) Virtually all feeds are archived. A few are not archived at the feed volunteer’s request. 2) Archives kept for 30 days – note that date/time is in GMT/UTC. 3) If you need an archive older than 30 days (but less than 1 year old) please contact us for details (fee will apply).

What is the frequency of the SoCal approach?

Frequency: SOCAL Approach (Downey Sector, South Final) 132.375: SoCal Approach (Downey/South Final) 124.900: SoCal Approach (Stadium/North Final) 128.500

What do you need to know about communication in Southern California?

Training in Southern California develops and requires good radio communication skills. Initially, your communication is with tower and ground controllers and other pilots in the practice area or at a non-towered airports. Once you start going to an airport besides those in the immediate area, you will want or need to talk with SoCal Approach.

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